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Photo by Nick Fewings. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

The Prime Minister has announced a long overdue no nonsense hard line on fighting crime.

He will certainly have public support.

But here’s one good move that I doubt has occurred to him and that’s to get more women judges.

The constant ludicrous home detention sentences dished out to criminals on the grounds of their hard, mostly Maori, upbringings, are largely the domain of male judges.

On my observation most woman judges are not so gullible and know, almost intuitively, the truth of the four centuries old maxim: “Spare the rod and spoil the child”.

The excuse of having experienced a rotten home life is in itself evidence of cause and effect logic re behaviour.

Thus, ensuring they have an even worse prison life will presumably see them do nothing to endure it again, or in other words re crime and punishment, make sure the punishment outweighs the crime.

The example of El Salvador is overwhelming evidence of this hard reality, common sense logic.

Hitherto a gang ridden hell-hole, now it’s one of the safest crime-free countries in the world, by the simple process of a no mercy approach to criminals.

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