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Orewa more recently. Photo supplied.




TV3 news this week, and the online NZ Herald, were running hilariously funny stories about how we are all going to be engulfed by the sea. Apparently, a couple of scientists (ahem “Scientists”) have started a website showing the entire NZ coastline or some such, and you can visit it to see the precise date and time your house is going to be underwater.

Orewa 1939. Photo supplied.

Even more hilariously, the Prime Minister jumped in with a spot of virtue signalling in response to the research (ahem, “research”) undertaken by the (ahem, “scientists”).

She was seen talking to Ryan Bridge waving her hands around in an odd fashion (as the clip shows), and being a good socialist didn’t see the irony of saying “…it’s important we reduce our emissions as a nation…” – after having just recently returned to New Zealand on a jumbo jet.

St Clair beach, Dunedin 1888 (I “think” that is what the year on the photo, down the bottom, says; could be 1898?) Photo supplied.

If you are like me, dear reader, and watched the TV3 news coverage (I kept watching because of the comedy and obvious twaddle they were passing off as either “news” or “science”) – and once you had recovered your composure from laughing so much, you felt it was your patriotic duty to help solve the problem. I did and have.

This “Crisis” has lasted a mere 24 hours as your favourite ‘Capitalist’ has solved it and you can see the proof. So everybody can now relax and get back to fretting about the soaring cost of living caused by recent socialist activity.

The first photograph is of Orewa Beach in 1939, the other is more recent; your eyes are not lyin’ to you. You, dear reader, can see there is nothing to worry about from the Pacific Ocean engulfing New Zealand. Back to your cup of coffee and the crossword.

Left: Orewa 1939. Right: Orewa more recently

If you think I am exaggerating, or perhaps think the ocean is different in other parts of New Zealand (maybe you think it goes uphill or something when it gets to Cook Strait?), here is St Clair beach in Dunedin from 1888 vis-a-vis 2022. Once again – the crisis is over. There is nothing much to worry about by the looks of it.

Left: St Clair beach, Dunedin 1888 (I “think” that is what the year on the photo, down the bottom, says; could be 1898?) Right: St Clair today

Not wanting to be cynical or anything like that, but I have a sneaking suspicion that when – predictably – the date and time passes and your house isn’t underwater the line used will be “that’s because of action taken by the Labour government in 2022” – which is eerily similar to the “we saved 1 million lives by lockdowns” (or whatever). Ardern keeps trotting out different numbers depending upon who she is talking to.

I find the idea that anybody actually swallows such an obvious con game whole hilarious. On the other hand, the NZ Herald online has (as I write this) as its lead story, hand wringing about gullible folk being conned by “Tinder love rats” so perhaps the gullible do walk among us.


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