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Crybaby of the week
[…]A “noisy and disruptive” Mongrel Mob member who had been living at an upmarket housing complex in Grey Lynn, says he’s been “paid to leave” by the apartment’s owners.
[…] Neighbours reported suspected gang activities, as well as loud music and loud parties coming from the unit.
Summerfield Villas in Auckland’s Grey Lynn is in a sought-after area.[…]
At one stage, they crashed a car and ran away
At the time, the complex’s body corporate said it was aware of a “tenancy issue” and had notified police and ramped up security because of it.
On Saturday the gang member, whose name was withheld, told The New Zealand Herald he was the “victim” in the situation.
“I’m Mongrel Mob Waikato and I’m proud of that. Why should that be held against me,” said the man who appeared on video with his face blurred.
“I actually really enjoy this place. I look after the place. It’s nice and tidy.”
He told the newspaper he was moving out because he had apparently been “paying rent to the wrong people. I’ve just been scammed being here. I’m the victim”.
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The villa complex – which includes a pool complete with palm trees and a gym – is in a prime location on Richmond Rd.
Its three-bedroom units sell for around $1 million each.
The man, who was wearing a Mongrel Mob Waikato t-shirt, said the issue came from a falling out between his apartment’s owners.
“[They are saying] the person I am paying rent to is not entitled to receive that rent money or the bond,”

A Newspaper


Alexis de Tocqueville on Enlightened Self Interest

Alexis de Tocqueville on Enlightened Self Interest

Tocqueville was generous, both with his biting criticisms and his reverent praises, whereby as a matter of necessity due to one social system springing out of the other – like Athena from the head of Zeus – the democratic experiment was compared most obviously with its aristocratic parent.

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