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The BFD Crybaby

It was difficult this week to work out which of these two was the biggest crybaby.

Is it the Vegan misery guts, or the ‘wet’ neighbour who tried and failed to appease her?

A Perth woman has taken her neighbours to the Supreme Court to try and stop them smoking, bouncing balls and barbecuing in their gardens.
Cilla Carden is vegan and she says she’s sick of the smell of meat cooking next door.

[…] She says her neighbours are deliberately trying to upset her.

[…] She’s also up in arms about cigarette smoke wafting into her garden, and the sound of children playing basketball next door.
“It’s been devastating. It’s been turmoil, it’s been unrest, I haven’t been able to sleep,” she said.
One neighbour showed 9 News he has removed his barbecue and told his children to stop playing basketball in an effort to keep the peace.[…]

