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Cultural Appropriation Outrage

Photo by engin akyurt. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Periodically we read of a foreign sports team or other group doing a haka, God only knows why as for me it’s arguably New Zealand’s greatest embarrassment. Still, each to their own.

Nevertheless, whenever it occurs inevitably the newspapers show a grave looking Maori male, usually described as an academic but invariably from one of the bogus non-intellectual contrived fields now littering our universities, who expresses his grievance at cultural appropriation.

A particular irony of this is his garb, usually a suit, a clear-cut case of cultural appropriation.

Our newspapers have reported about a German maths teacher, currently on trial for cannibalism. I have looked in vain so far for the cultural appropriation complaints to register a protest, this after all being a Maori cultural specialty, but to date, silence. Why?

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