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Trimming the fat. Cartoon Credit SonovaMin. The BFD.
The public sector has been hit with another blow, as the Ministry of Health and Ministry for Social Development are expected to cut hundreds of jobs. Up next week are the Department of Internal Affairs, followed by the Department of Conservation.

What isn’t clear is what will happen to the thousands of people who lose their jobs in this round of redundancies. […]

Right-wing governments favour the flexibility offered by a smaller public service, with the ability to bring in consultants and contractors when needed for specific policy design or projects. […]

Agencies should not be using consultants and contractors in place of full-time staff, [Nicola Willis] said, adding that she had asked the Public Service Commission to monitor the revolving door. […]

While the so-called brain drain – especially to Australia – has been happening since the borders reopened in 2022, it’s so far been masked by strong inward migration.

Act Leader David Seymour – one of the strongest advocates for public sector cuts – says there is “no question” some of these public sector workers will be looking overseas for jobs.


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