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Cutting Activists’ Funding at the Welfare Office

When the wizened wizard of woke-ness, Bob Brown, led his ill-fated clown parade of anti-coal activists last May, it was the standard motley collective of greybeards in sandals (and that was just the women) and dreadlocked ferals. The nosey-nannas at least have the poor excuse that they’re too clapped out to perform any useful function in society, but the smelly unemployables are supposedly of working age.

Except that “work” is as foreign a concept as personal hygiene. Indeed, one of the dreadlocked delusionals actually boasted that protesting was his job.

Australia’s Employment Minister begs to differ.

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has threatened to suspend the welfare payments of activists who spend their time protesting instead of looking for jobs.

Senator Cash told The Australian the government would ­always be focused on getting “people off welfare and into work” after Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton urged the community to push back against disruptive protesters.

“Taxpayers should not be ­expected to subsidise the protests of others.”

As rock band TISM once said of Australia’s arts elite, these publicly-funded grifters line up to hurl abuse at taxpayers while deftly picking their pockets.

Ever the government’s head kicker, Peter Dutton is backing Senator Cash, and going the biff on indulgent lefty beaks who treat these tax-scrounging pests with indulgence.

In an interview on Sydney radio 2GB on Thursday, Mr Dutton took aim at magistrates who imposed “slap on the wrist” penalties for protesters, declaring Queensland should introduce mandatory sentences for those who regularly disrupt the community.

It comes after six people were charged with obstruction offences on Wednesday after a road-blocking protest by climate activist group Extinction Rebellion disrupted the Brisbane CBD during peak hour.

Two days earlier, four people involved in the same group were charged over a protest in which a woman climbed up a large tripod on a high-traffic CBD bridge at a similar time…Radio host Ray Hadley said three of the protesters who ­attached themselves to the Brisbane streets were welfare recipients, and argued that the benefit should be removed […]

Mr Dutton said the community needed to “push back” against the “unacceptable” behaviour seen by those in the recent protest action.

“People should take these names and the photos of these people and distribute them as far and wide as they can so that we shame these people,” he said. “Let their families know what you think of their behaviour.”

As Chris Delforce, loon-in-chief for anti-farming nutters “Aussie Farms” – notorious for publishing the home addresses of Australian farmers – has found, it’s not so nice when the boot is on the other foot.


The First Falcons of Spring

The First Falcons of Spring

The Collins St falcons are, like Japan’s Nara island where wild deer are strictly protected, an example of how the simplest human adaptations can help wildlife thrive in cities.

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