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Daily News Roundup – 1 July 2020


Fishing industry
Michael Morrah (Newshub): Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash blames pressure from NZ First for delay in fishing boat cameras in recording
Herald: NZ First blamed for delay in fishing boat cameras by Stuart Nash in leaked recording
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Winston Peters launches attack on Newshub journalist Michael Morrah ahead of fishing boat camera investigative report

Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Labour not ruling out new tax rate for high-income earners following Green Party announcement
ODT Editorial: Tackling inequality proves taxing
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Is wealth of $1m, income of $100,000 actually rich?
Newstalk ZB: Greens defend new tax policy, will push it in coalition talks
Ripu Bhatia (Stuff): Green Party policy would fix inequities in disability support, expert says
Anna Whyte (1News): Golriz Ghahraman says Rose Matafeo ‘welcome to host’ Green event, blames misunderstanding
Amelia Wade (Herald): ‘It was awful’: Golriz Ghahraman says she didn’t see Rose Matafeo’s email before axing
Charlie Dreaver (RNZ): Green Party event cancellation unrelated to Rose Matafeo – organisers
Zane Small (Newshub): Golriz Ghahraman responds to accusation of blocking Rose Matafeo from Green Party MC role

National Party
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): National Party’s internal polling revealed as caucus springs another leak
Kate Hawkesby (Newstalk ZB): National’s sweating it – anyone missing Simon Bridges?
AAP: Peters challenges Muller over MP Jian Yang
Katie Scotcher (RNZ): National will consider Maori representation during caucus reshuffle
Maori TV: Todd Muller unworried by having only one Maori in his top-20 team
Charlotte James (RNZ): Anne Tolley reflects on her work in politics as she bows out
Matt Biurrows (Newshub): Paula Bennett says she was assaulted three times, faced ‘numerous death threats’ as MP in revealing interview
Herald: ‘A big eff you to the Nats’: Did Paula Bennett know what was in Tom Sainsbury’s video
Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): Paula Bennett explains why she admires Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
1News: Paula Bennett didn’t give Todd Muller the ‘option’ to change her mind about retirement
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Paula Bennett’s out of politics and it’s a shabby, sad way to end
Amelia Wade (Herald): Judith Collins not sorry to see back of Paula Bennett and slams Sir John’s ‘boys’ club’
Anna Whyte (1News): Bridges ‘confused’ over Judith Collins’ admission she voted for Muller as leader
Judith Collins (NBR): The Oravida episode, or ‘that China trip’ – extract (paywalled)
1News:Jeremy Wells gets Judith Collins to reveal tender side during spin in a boy racer car
Lana Andelane (Newshub): Judith Collins denies suggestion Bennett, Tolley resignations show senior MPs have no faith National will win

Wage subsidy, business
Tony Wall (Stuff): Multi-millionaire MP Alastair Scott claimed more than $170,000 from the Government wage subsidy for his winery
Gerard Hehir (1News): Opinion: Wage Subsidy redundancies sting, but shouldn’t surprise
Richard Harman (Politik): Wage subsidy might extend to the election
Anne Gibson (Herald): Wage subsidy-supported builder goes under, homes unfinished, $400,000+ cost over-runs (paywalled)
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): New Zealand wineries owner gave nearly $400,000 to Trump: Report
Julie Iles (NBR): Mainfreight chair gets political – again (paywalled)
RNZ: The Detail: From lockdown to recovery – tracking a small business during Covid

Meridian Energy
Andrew McRae (RNZ): Meridian spilled water to hike electricity prices – Authority ruling
BusinessDesk: Meridian blamed for $80m of power cost over-charging
Katie Bradford (1News): Big power company accused of anti-competitive behaviour, causing prices to rise
Tom Pullar-Stricker (Stuff): Meridian involved in ‘undesirable trading situation’ says Electricity Authority in preliminary decision
Hamish Rutherford (Herald): Meridian found in wrong in market abuse investigation
Reweti Kohere (NBR): Electricity Authority urged to show mettle (paywalled)

Border, travel bubble
Anna Whyte (1News): Ardern throws cold water on opening borders, including to Australia – ‘I do think it’s dangerous’
Collette Devlin (Stuff): Trans-Tasman bubble in doubt as New Zealand’s borders stay shut
Zane Small (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern warns against travel to Europe as Todd Muller calls for strategy on reopening border
Bob Jones: Todd Muller breaks his duck
Lloyd Burr (Newshub): Hey Duncan Garner, your COVID-19 border idea is bonkers
Alan Kenyon (1News): Todd Muller presses PM in Parliament on criteria around trans-Tasman travel bubble
AAP: Creation of trans-Tasman bubble will be up to Australia’s leaders, Ardern says
RNZ: Victoria state in Australia announces second lockdown in hotspots

Quarantine, testing
Collette Devlin and Luke Malpass (Stuff): Government considering loans to help returning Kiwis pay for quarantine
Derek Cheng (Herald): Jacinda Ardern eyes law change to charge holidaymakers for managed isolation
RNZ: Winston Peters on EU travel: ‘We’re not going to compromise our country’s health’
Stuff: EU opening border to Kiwis doesn’t change anything, Winston Peters says
RNZ: PM warns travellers should meet cost of quarantine
1News: Four new managed isolation facilities confirmed to house over 2000 arrivals into NZ this week
Rowan Quinn (RNZ): Covid-19 testing: Free or paid and who gets one? GPs seek clarity

America’s Cup
Herald: America’s Cup – Team NZ spy allegations: Grant Dalton says team was defrauded by scammers
Herald: Fraud claim, ‘Hungarian bank account’: Team NZ, America’s Cup in investigation over public money
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Team NZ, America’s Cup Events Ltd: Who’s who and what do they do
Derek Cheng (Herald): ‘No stranger to drama’ – Phil Twyford on America’s Cup spy claims
RNZ: Team New Zealand denies allegations in MBIE investigation
Jean Bell (RNZ): Team NZ spying claims a new spin on America’s Cup controversies

Election, cannabis referendum
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): National questions PM’s daily briefings, Labour hits back at ads as parties pivot to campaign mode
1News: Government accuses big American anti-cannabis group of interfering in NZ politics

1News: Universities eye $400 million hole if borders remain closed to international students
Herald: Grant Roberston: Don’t expect return of students in 2020
Demelza Leslie (Newshub): Universities beg Government to allow international students back as COVID-19 losses grow
Laura James (1News): Large early childhood education provider accused of pushing unlawful contract on teachers
Simon Collins (Herald): Childcare teachers’ hours cut due to Covid fears
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Schools opting for group starts over Kiwi tradition
Liu Chen (RNZ): PhD candidate says some post-grad students should be let in as essential workers

Auckland water shortage
Todd Niall and Ellen O’Dwyer-Cunliffe (Stuff): Government calls in Board of Inquiry for Auckland’s water bid
Herald: Board of inquiry to decide whether Auckland can take more water from the Waikato River
RNZ: Auckland’s use of Waikato River to be fast-tracked – government
Lana Andelane (Newshub): Application for 200m litres of Waikato River water referred to a Board of Inquiry
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Waikato taxpayers suffering for Auckland’s water woes
Duncan Garner (Newshub): Waikato River Authority’s 10c-per-litre proposal is offensive and outrageous

Local government
Andy Asquith (Herald): Is Phil Goff about to have his Brexit moment? (paywalled)
Anne Gibson (Herald): Auckland Unitary Plan blamed for dark, windy, shaded ‘gully’ (paywalled)
Luisa Girao (ODT): Recycling contract a ‘relief’ for workers
Luisa Girao (ODT): ICC to cut fewer jobs in revised plan
Christina Persico (Stuff): A fiery start to New Plymouth’s Maori ward debate
Tim Brown (RNZ): Council debate goes off the rails on pedestrianisation semantics
Hamish MacLean (ODT): Lessons learned: council manager
Maori TV: Winston Peters confirms funding for Kia Kaha Whakatane project
ODT: Human error delays adopting Gore District Counci annual plan
Emma Perry (ODT): DCC rates rise set at 4.1%

Phil Pennington (RNZ): WorkSafe investigators under pressure, lack training – report
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Fullers ferry boss blasts staff in 3am message
Ben Leahy (Herald): The jobs Kiwis don’t want: 1000 jobs on offer but employers can’t fill them (paywalled)

Migrant workers
Patrick Gower (Neewshub): Should 344,000 foreigners on temporary visas stay or go?
Hannah Kronast (Newshub): Government invests $37 million to help struggling foreign nationals

Newshub: St Johns’ ambulances sitting empty as COVID-19 pandemic leaves $30 million deficit
Bronson Perich (Maori TV): Life circumstances the major cause of suicide – Matt Tukaki
Oliver Lewis (Stuff): Canterbury health staff asked to pitch savings ideas as board grapples with cost-cutting
Lois Williams (RNZ): DHB seeks to attract Maori students into health careers
1News: Covid-19 lockdown sees many young Kiwi children fall behind on vaccine schedule

Rachel Thomas (RNZ): Society is failing the disabled and can do better – Chief Ombudsman
Andrew Macfarlane (1News): Blind, low vision community hails $400k Government investment into Amazon Alexa devices

1 July changes
Isaac Davison (Herald): More paid parental leave, free apprenticeships, and bigger petrol bills – all you need to know about July 1 changes
Isaac Davison (Herald): Milestone of 26 weeks’ paid parental leave has been reached – so what’s next?
1News: Parents of newborns get four more weeks of paid parental leave in NZ, starting today
Jonathan Mitchell (RNZ): Fuel, alcohol costs to go up from today
1News: As new petrol tax starts today, here’s what it’ll mean for your wallet

Todd Niall (Stuff): ‘Virtual’ APEC thanks to Covid-19 shrinks Auckland’s big 2021
RNZ: Physical APEC cancellation ‘a blow’ to Auckland and NZ – business chamber
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Coronavirus: APEC 2021 in Auckland all but cancelled, summit will ‘go virtual’
Anna Whyte (1News): New Zealand’s hosting of APEC 2021 summit to be virtual
RNZ: NZ to host virtual APEC summit in 2021
Zane Small (Newshub): New Zealand no longer physically hosting APEC 2021 – it will now be held online

Environment and conservation
Jamie Morton (Herald): Five ugly figures that highlight NZ’s plastic problem
Amber-Leigh Woolf (Stuff): ‘Recycling’ illusion fades as councils give up shipping plastic offshore
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Takutai Moana Act breaches Treaty of Waitangi – Waitangi Tribunal
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): What happens when businesses come clean on climate change costs
Simon Kingham (Stuff): Will the Covid-19 lockdown slow the effects of climate change?
Gavin Evans (BusinessDesk): Climate change: announcements or action?
Olivia Wannan (Stuff): Council goes big on carbon-sucking Wellington wetlands
RNZ: Tahr Foundation and Forest and Bird butt heads over culling

RNZ: Domestic economy coming back quicker than expected, finance minister says
Julie Iles (NBR): New Zealand’s ‘V’ shaped recovery has a ceiling (paywalled)

Child welfare
1News: Oranga Tamariki on site at Gloriavale, making inquiry into West Coast sect

Newstalk ZB: Former cop backs frontline police wearing body cameras
RNZ: Police failed in duty of care to detainee who died – IPCA

Primary industries
Sean Hogan (1News): ‘It’s pretty tough’ – Tolaga Bay locals frustrated as more timber debris washes up
Bonnie Flaws (Stuff): Environmental devastation at Tolaga Bay may take a century to recover, says councillor
Maja Burry (RNZ): Rock bottom crossbred wool prices pose dilemma for farmers

Christchurch mosque shootings
Paul Buchanan: No right to know
RNZ: Support for Christchurch Muslims falling – community leader

Petrol prices
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): South Island petrol prices plummet, AA asks why it didn’t happen sooner
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Aucklanders paying $140m per year extra in fuel prices – economist

Guyon Espiner and John Daniell (RNZ): NZ broke into embassies for CIA and MI6
Mel Logan and Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): Increasing concern about unauthorised info being released by businesses – survey
Nikki Macdonald (stuff): Homeward bound? Struggling Kiwis in Oz
SBS: New Zealand is on track to elect the ‘gayest parliament in the world’
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Labour and National to support first reading of NZ First bill to increase the NZ Super residency requirement from 10 to 20 years
Priscilla Dickinson (Newshub): Property prices ‘volatile’ as market tries to find ‘new price point’ – report
Tess Brunton (RNZ): Clyde power outage on coldest day since 1978 prompts calls for review
Jared Morgan (ODT): Challenge to minister on power for Clyde
RNZ: Lender who charged interest up to 803% forced to repay borrowers
RNZ: Anti-money laundering regulation easier under all-in-one agency – lawyer
Imogen Wells (1News): ‘We feel we’re being listened to’ – Rainbow community on inclusion of gender ID questions in Census
Yvette McCullough (RNZ):  Northport move decision unlikely before election – Shane Jones
Bronson Perich (Maori TV): Parihaka saga a lesson for New Zealanders – Jim Bolger
Maori TV: Te Ao with MOANA: Nixon’s ‘dangerous terrorist’ on Black Lives Matter
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Helicopter money not in Robertson’s ‘immediate plan’
Molly Houseman (ODT): Letter delivered to chairman’s home ‘inappropriate’
Tom Hunt (Dominion Post): New Zealand’s taonga in with wastewater leaks and asbestos
Carmen Parahi (Stuff): First ever Maori science award winner calls out racism
George Block (Stuff): Defence Force applications spike amid gloomy job outlook
