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Dan’s COVID Cops Crack Down on Heretics

They should have said they were protesting the abundance of fish. The BFD.

As the COVID-19 situation in Victoria continues to spiral out of control, Premier Daniel Andrews doggedly avoids shouldering the least responsibility. Andrews has blamed practically everyone in Victoria but himself. Yet, while there’s some truth in his argument that too many people are flouting restrictions and behaving poorly, by continuing to work after showing symptoms for instance, blame has to be sheeted home to the top.

Leaders are supposed to lead by example. When leaders adopt a flagrant “do as I say, not as I do” attitude, then it’s no surprise that ordinary people see no reason why they should obey the rules, either.

Double standards are more infectious than any virus from Wuhan, and Daniel Andrews has more double standards than the Labor party has kickbacks from China.

A Melbourne coronavirus conspiracy theorist who had her car window smashed in by Victoria Police during a dramatic arrest is facing a huge penalty[…]

During the arrest, police were forced to break the woman’s car window as she would not step out of the vehicle.

Now, one doesn’t have to have any sympathy for “Eve Black” to see the flagrant double-standard here.

Consider: a lone conspiracy theorist films herself breaching a virus checkpoint. She gets arrested with extreme prejudice by the rozzers.

Thousands of Black Lives Matter protesters also flagrantly breach the state’s restrictions. The Andrews government and police do nothing to stop them. No arrests, no fines.

Ordinary citizens are surely justified in concluding that the authorities are only enforcing the rules where it suits them, and letting their political cronies get off scot-free.

On Thursday, Premier Daniel Andrews criticised those breaching the directions of the Chief Health Officer and said Black could be facing a $10,000 fine[…]

Victoria Police has told there will be no leniency for “unnecessary and childish” behaviour, and those caught doing the wrong thing will experience the full force of the law.

Depending on who they are, of course.

If you’re a Labor party donor running an infection hotspot, the Victorian government will keep it under wraps for weeks. If you’re an angler trying to enjoy a quiet day’s fishing, or a golfer, VicPol will come down on you like a ton of bricks. If you’re a Muslim family hosting a huge wedding, police will let you carry on as you wish. If you’re a conspiracy theorist filming a live video, the jacks will smash your windows and drag you out, kicking and screaming.

When governments and authorities carry on with such brazen hypocrisy, why should anyone be surprised when ordinary citizens follow suit?

The buck in Victoria stops at 1 Treasury Place, Premier Andrews.

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