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Dictator Dan is watching you. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It looks as if Victoria’s own little Princeling, “Dictator Dan” Andrews really admire’s Xi Xinping’s communist regime. This is the fellow, after all, who near fell over himself to sign his personal fiefdom up to the Belt and Road Initiative, against the specific warnings of the Commonwealth and security services.

The federal government spoilt that little party for the Great Dictator, forcibly prying Dan’s greedy paws away from Xi’s glittering pile of debt-trap bait. But our Dan is an intrepid Long Marcher — if he can’t go to the communist party, he’ll bring the communist party to him.

Complete with panopticon social credit system.

It has been revealed Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has a data agency to monitor Victorians’ everyday activities, including social media sentiment and credit card transactions.

The Sunday Herald Sun has obtained documents about the agency, called Insights Victoria, under freedom of information laws.

The publication found the dashboard, which is updated daily, uses publicly available data, but also “commercial in-confidence” and “sensitive” data not permitted for third party or public release.

These shocking revelations don’t just expose Andrews’ control-freak megalomania, it also brutally exposes the lie of The Science™ supposedly guiding Covid policies.

It was set up as part of the government’s Covid response in August 2020, but a September 2020 briefing note said the system would evolve and inform decision-making beyond Covid, Herald Sun reported.

In other words, Covid policy was what the government knew it could get away with. Public health was the excuse, not the goal.

The government’s own secret documentation also includes a phrase that should be ominously familiar to BFD readers.

A guide said the document was “designed to be the single truth source” for government.

Socialists of a feather groupthink together, after all.

Opposition Treasury spokesman David Davis said the fact Mr Andrews’ political staff had full access suggested he was prepared to use the data for political ends.

“In the new Insights Victoria with his intrusive and powerful deep dive IT system, monitoring Victorians every digital move, cross tabulating their personal information, Andrews has more power than Big Brother,” Mr Davis told Herald Sun.

“This really feels like a Brave New World. It truly does have the feel of a dystopian society where one man and his office have overweening power buttressed by access to unprecedented streams of personal information” […]

It is understood the data purchased from financial institutions was used until late 2021 to see physical movement across the state at a local government area level.

When you’re in Victoria, Big Brother really is watching you.


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