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As the new miniseries White House Plumbers shows, the reaction of the Nixon administration to the Pentagon Papers was to turn the Deep State apparatus onto leaker Daniel Ellsberg. But the comical, Keystone Kops misadventures of Hunt, Liddy and co were nothing compared to the dark machinations of the Obama administration.

Barack Obama weaponised every arm of government against his political opponents, most notoriously the IRS. His administration didn’t even try to hide it. Chuck Schumer openly demanded that “the IRS and other government agencies” be weaponised to crack down on the Tea Party movement.

Did anyone really think the Biden administration would be any less crookedly totalitarian?

The IRS opened an investigation into journalist Matt Taibbi on Christmas Eve 2022 just a few weeks after he began posting “Twitter Files”.

“The IRS opened a case on me on a Saturday, Christmas Eve 2022, which just happened to coincide with a major Twitter Files report on FBI/intelligence community ties to tech platforms. This is revealed in a new letter to the IRS Commissioner by House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan,” Matt Taibbi said on Wednesday.

In contrast with the Pentagon Papers, which embarrassed a Republican president, the mainstream media have done everything they can to ignore the Twitter Files, which detail the shocking collusion between the media, Big Tech and the Democratic Party, to silence critical commentary.

And, rather than go all Woodward and Bernstein on a Democrat president, they’re going full Walter Duranty. Like reports of famine in the Soviet Union, Deep State persecution of an investigative journalist doesn’t exist if the mainstream media won’t report it: as aggregator site Ground News shows, reporting of the persecution of Matt Taibbi is precisely zero in the left media.

They can’t even hand-wave it away as ‘misinformation’, either: it’s a matter of public record.

An IRS agent showed up at the home of ‘Twitter Files’ journalist Matt Taibbi on the same day he testified before Jim Jordan’s Committee on Weaponization of the Federal Government.

On March 9, Matt Taibbi dropped a Twitter Files ahead of his testimony to Congress: THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX

Journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger appeared before Congress later that day.

Nearly every government was being turned loose to shut down the Twitter Files story.

The FTC had already been harassing Elon Musk and demanding he “identify all journalists” granted access to the Twitter files […]

According to the House Judiciary Committee, the IRS opened a probe into Matt Taibbi on December 24, 2022 (a Saturday) just weeks after he began dropping “Twitter Files” documents.

In White House Plumbers, E Howard Hunt and G Gordon Liddy early on trick a maid into letting them into an office, so that it can be explained away as technically legal. As House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan points out, the IRS is pulling the same shifty tricks.

The IRS alleged it sent two letters to Matt Taibbi addressing his 2018 return, however, Taibbi and his accountants say they never received the letters.

According to Jim Jordan, the IRS failed to produce copies of the so-called letters they sent Matt Taibbi.

“The IRS’s production shows that the IRS opened its examination of Mr Taibbi’s 2018 tax return on December 24, 2022. Not only was this date Christmas Eve and a Saturday, but it also happened to be three weeks after he published the first Twitter Files detailing government abuses and the same day that Mr Taibbi published the ninth segment of the Twitter Files.

The Gateway Pundit

All just a coincidence, I’m sure.


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