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Where are the 2022 Myocarditis Study Results?

Photo by Markus Spiske

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

In 2022 the MoH undertook a study of the ‘long-term’ outcomes of people who had been diagnosed with myocarditis after receiving any dose of Pfizer vaccine. Participants had to be older than 12 years, had to have been diagnosed before 28 Feb 2022 and had an adverse event report submitted to CARM.

Dr Tim Hanlon was the principal investigator and the project was conducted by Medsafe along with the  National Immunisation Programme and CARM. The aim was to provide more information about the safety profile of the Pfizer vaccine.

Information about the study is on the Clinical Trails Registry website and also on the Ministry of Health website.  The title is “Long-term outcomes of myocarditis and pericarditis after Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination”.

Long-term outcomes of myocarditis and pericarditis after Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination

The study involved a 30-minute phone survey with participants at least three months after diagnosis, asking about their health and functional status, medications etc, as well as the analysis of information gathered from the healthcare professionals involved in the case, such as which tests and investigations were carried out, clinical management and past medical history.

The study enrolled 323 participants and interviews took place between March and October 2022.

The primary outcomes were assessing current health, physical functioning and mental health, while the secondary outcomes were assessing hospitalisations, cardiac health and what the likely causal mechanism was.

Presumably, since myocarditis following vaccination is mild and short-lived (as we have been constantly reassured), there won’t be much data.

We have been interested in the results and anticipating their publication but now it seems we will be waiting a bit longer.

On the MoH page about the study, it used to say: “Results are expected to be published online by early 2023. Information on where you can read the results will be provided here when available.”

On 4 Apr 2023 it was changed to say: “Study enrolment has now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated. We are in the process of analysing the extensive data that was shared with us. Information on where you can read the results will be provided here when available.”

We do hope this doesn’t mean that the results are going to disappear into the aether and never see the light of day, which seems to be what has happened with the results in the open text boxes of the PVSC.
