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Ever since Plato got his aristocratic knickers in a bunch at the idea of letting the hoi polloi (an ancient Greek expression, meaning “deplorables”) have a say in running things, certain groups have been unable to let go of the conceit that everything would be just fine if they were allowed to run the whole show. Plato envisioned a carefully-bred class of “Philosopher Kings” on top and the great mass of people who were fit only to be slaves, placidly doing as their superiors ordered.

Today’s would-be Philosopher Kings are the bourgeois class of solidly left-wing bureaucrats, politicians and academics whose fondest dream is themselves as the benign dictators of a “caring” totalitarian state. All that’s needed is for the rest of us to just shut up and let our “betters” run things as they see fit. If only we plebs wouldn’t keep yammering about such inconsequential stuff as “democracy” and “individual rights”.

If we want a glimpse of how the Philosopher Kings would like the world to be run, we need only consider the past two years of Covid totalitarianism. Alas, though, the pandemic was over far too soon for the liking of our benign overlords.

So, they’re quietly moving to make sure such power never slips out of their hands again.

Having acquired a taste for globalised control during the Covid pandemic, the World Health Organisation has teamed up with vaccine manufacturers, philanthropic billionaires, and power-crazed world leaders to create a ‘Global Pandemic Treaty’ in Geneva.

It is set to form part of the ‘one health’ approach proposed by the WHO and has been pitched by its creators as a way to overcome the inconvenient battle between – as they put it – globalism and statism.

Oh, well, at least we Australians will have the chance this week to vote for government who’ll stand up to this sort of thing?

In June of 2021, Scott Morrison commented on the proposed treaty, saying:

‘It’s essential that we strengthen global (disease) surveillance and provide the World Health Organisation with the authority and the capacity to do this important job for all the peoples of the world. If we are to deliver on this ambitious reform agenda, then we must work together and put other issues aside.’

Yes, the same Prime Minister who attempted to escape criticism by saying ‘there’s no such thing as vaccine mandates’ is champing at the bit to grant the WHO absolute control over the health choices of Australian citizens. It amounts to extending similar emergency powers to the WHO that Daniel Andrews gifted himself in Victoria – except Australians can’t vote the WHO out of power. As for Labor, they have laid down at the feet of the WHO, tummies up and paws in the air like dogs waiting for a rub.

It turns out that those of us who dare to think that we should be allowed to make our own health decisions are just a microcosm of certain countries, like Sweden, which had the temerity to think that they knew what was best for their own people.

The advertised pretext for a global health treaty is that countries were wrongly allowed to take bespoke approaches to Covid – in particular, their vaccine roll-outs. According to the WHO, this endangered the health of the whole planet […]

The World Health Organisation often complains about free will when it comes to national pandemic responses. We now know that nations like Sweden were able to provide real-world data that contradicted much of the ‘approved’ health advice issued by the WHO. We also know that the WHO ‘leaned on’ European nations that tried to go their own way with health directives.

Spectator Australia

Instead, it seems, we were all supposed to unquestioningly follow the example of the world’s remaining communist great power. Oddly enough, that nation — the very nation which caused the pandemic in the first place — has refused to endorse the treaty. Much as it exempts itself from emissions reduction targets at the same time as it leads the world in emissions.

Just like celebs parading maskless at their latest beano, while the servants meekly bow and scrape with their masks firmly fixed, it’s all about rules for thee but not me.

And, as New Zealand has found to its dismay after foolishly signing on to the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, such treaties force people who never voted for them to submit to the rules of unelected global bureaucrats. The Philosopher Kings finally have the absolute power they’ve craved for 3,000 years within their greedy grasp.

These people will never let us be free again, if they can help it.


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