Ethno-Nationalist-Fascism Explainer Editor
Auckland Law School academic Claire Charters, the author of He Puapua, has been contracted by the Scottish Government to prepare a similar report and pathway to self-rule by the indigenous chiefs of Scotland and their clansmen serfs.
The report titled Och Aye The Noo! (Yes, right now!) will be presented later this year.
“Indigenous people,” she said, “are under threat all around the world, particularly in Europe, so Scotland with its chiefs and clans is the ideal place for further implementation of UN-sponsored Ethno-nationalist-fascism.”
Sources say the report will recommend such things as a history rewrite as the Scots never gave up their sovereignty – recognition of Gaelic as the official language, compulsory kilt-wearing and bagpipe lessons. Underwear, the constricting artifice forcibly introduced by the hated Colonist sassenachs, will be banned.
The Highland Clans will be given ascendancy while the lowland Sassenach imposters/settlers will be classified as “others”.
Speaking from her Facebook bunker, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, congratulated Clair Charters on her new gig saying, “Once again I am leading the world – democracy, like capitalism, has failed. The kindness of Ethno-nationalist-fascism is the way to bring all people together.”
“this is the correct pathway to the Great Reset.”
“I am the right side of history – this is 2021 for goodness sake.”

Misinformation Explainer Editor:
Reliable sources say promulgating misinformation is set to be deemed hate speech – attracting a fine of $500,000 and ten years in jail.
This will coincide with Jacinda Ardern’s intention to nationalise all news outlets.
Nationalisation of news outlets is expected to save the country billions with its efficiency of scale.
Jacinda Ardern is known to be very unhappy with the outbreak of misinformation about her in various news outlets. Misinformation hinders social cohesion and saps the morale of the country.
Sexual Orientation Explainer Editor:
President Biden’s Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin – Chicago mayor Lori Light Foot’s twin brother – has announced world-leading changes to the US defence forces’ Dress Uniform: to make it a cutting edge force – one step ahead of its rivals.
Not only will the dress uniform consist of an actual dress (a micro mini) but stilettos and fishnets will set off what is set to be a stunning change to tradition.
All will be revealed in a goose-stepping parade of 10,000 troops past the White House – televised to the world.
The old US was bogged down in white supremacist, male cisgendered ideology, said Lloyd Austin.
“We will have an armed forces which will reflect the values of the up and coming generation and make everyone feel safe.”
In other news, the LGBT+ community has had two more sexual orientation/genders officially added to the list.
Due to pressure from woke, urban, teenage girls TikToking that TRANS, PAN, BI etc were “so last week”, the LGBT+ commissars have added NAAFC (nutty as a fruit cake) and BM (barking mad) to the list of genders.
Social media are predicted to be all abuzz with teenage girls declaring their new genders in the coming weeks.
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