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Deplatformed for the Crime of Conservative Content

The co-ordinated worldwide march on freedom of expression took another nasty turn yesterday, yet again (predictably) to the left, with the eviction of The Conservative Treehouse (TCH) — a pro-Republican site with a strong Christian faith bent — from WordPress, not for any rule violation, not for any inflammatory statements, not because of any call to civil disruption, but simply because WordPress objects to some of the “site’s content”.


No argument shall be entered into; the facts don’t matter. TCH, with 200,000 subscribers and 500k-1M visits per day, has excelled at delivering a lot of well written, well researched, in-depth articles for nearly a decade. It is strongly moderated, informed and informative but its crime it seems, is to transgress the politics of the loving Left.

Boasting of hosting 39% of the world’s websites, WordPress pretends to be nice but unlike the past, when jackboots were hardened by steeping them in urine, today’s jackboots are steeped in woke, their dictatorial stomp performed under the guise of “rules” with no right of reply whatsoever couched as cliched “community standards”.


Yesterday: The Conservative Treehouse: Today?

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