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Imagine that you are a struggling business trying to stay afloat and to keep all your staff employed after a punishing 7 week lockdown. Then imagine that you are finally allowed to open but with costly and restrictive conditions.

Then at last you are told at level one you are almost back to normal and can attempt to dig yourself out of the serious financial hole the government has put you in by preventing you from trading, and then this academic dickhead attacks you on social media.

Academics, led by Kiwi historian Scott Hamilton, have piled pressure on the restaurant to change its name in recent days.

Now in addition to your serious financial woes you cave to the mob pressure whipped up by this uncaring and virtue signalling dickhead and agree to take on the additional cost of an expensive name change on top of everything else. This may well be the straw that breaks this business owners back and that results in his staff all losing their jobs.

Jones says changing the name and signage of the restaurant is an expensive process, especially as the COVID-19 closure has left the restaurant struggling financially.

Thank you so much Scott Hamilton, you completely deserve the title of dickhead of the day for caring more about what happened in the past than the pain of what is happening to real people in the present. Shame on you and all others who supported your disgusting and heartless Jihad against this business.

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