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The BFD. Discrimination of the Day

I get notified by text whenever I am due for a mammogram. It is then up to me to confirm or change the booking time that has been made for me and to turn up.

I always go as I care about my health. I am grateful that our health system does this for me and the checkup is free.

However, not all women are treated the same way that I am. Because of their race/culture, they are bribed to get a mammogram.

This is discrimination. All women should be treated equally.

A reader commented:

“There are 2 classes of citizens in NZ. I have a yearly mammogram because of my history and have to do it privately and it costs me $250 each time. Once out of the routine 2 yearly check you never get back in.”

Let’s highlight the racism and discrimination inside New Zealand together because it is NOT OK!

There is NOTHING positive about discrimination.


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