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Disease X and the Rolling Revenue

Healthy social conditions and an end to dangerous gain of function research are the best ways to protect against infectious diseases.

Photo by Shadi / Unsplash


Despite the current and planned focus on monkeypox, an infinite number of similarly profitable options seem available to the perpetrators of today’s bioterror campaign. Notwithstanding that few, if any, of all these viruses are ever demonstrated, especially the immensely profitable SARS CoV-2, never-ending neuroses are required to keep revenue rolling which is achieved by modifications to the business model. We share a few examples below, of how the clown show mocks public health.

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Mosquito Borne Diseases: Modified Gain of Function

Claims of mosquito-borne viruses spreading anywhere must be considered in the context of various experiments funded by Gates Foundation and their many public-private partners at the World Mosquito Program. They claim that mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia bacteria do not propagate the Dengue Fever Virus but protect against it, using cartoonish videos as evidence.

Openly admitting to the release of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes into the environment since 2011, the World Mosquito Program simultaneously blames a 30-fold increase in Dengue Fever in the past 50 years on climate change! After releasing clouds of Wolbachia mosquitoes over Brazil in 2023, Dengue cases increased four-fold, prompting the Brazilian government to purchase millions of doses of an experimental and dangerous Dengue vaccine. A very easy modification of the pandemic business model (credit to Dr David Bell) in motion!

Disease X Wolbachia Business Model
Image Created by NZDSOS

Sloth Fever: Gold Mining of Immune Suppressed Populations?

Oropouche virus is endemic in parts of Central and South America where sloths commonly live, hence the name. Spread by biting midges and occasionally by mosquitoes, it causes fever, headaches, muscle and joint pains and is easily mistaken for other arboviruses such as Dengue and Malaria.

The current outbreak in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Cuba has been associated with two deaths and five cases of foetal death and congenital abnormalities. A significant risk factor for severe sloth fever outcomes is immune suppression. An obvious omission in this report therefore, is the mRNA injected status of these cases. There is also a dearth of clinical information about those cases identified upon arrival in Europe and the USA.

Given that if you test for something that exists in nature, you will often find it, have testing recommendations and capacities changed? Robert F Kennedy Jr describes testing errors and/or fraudulence in The Real Anthony Fauci.

It was often unclear that the new viruses they found in ailing tissues were actually causing the diseases, whether the tiny microbes were free riders colonizing decayed tissue, or altogether innocent bystanders. Harvard’s Jim Watson, who won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for discovering the molecular structure of DNA, fretted that the “gold rush” mentality was likely to “scare off the sensible and leave the field to a combination of charlatans and fools.”
Disease X Sloth Fever
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Virus Lies: Abusing the World’s Poorest for Profit

Another quote from The Real Anthony Fauci describes the Zika Virus scandal.

In March of 2016, Dr Fauci again misled the public – this time into believing that the Zika virus was causing an epidemic of microcephaly among newborn babies in Brazil. One thing we know for sure: Zika doesn’t cause microcephaly. Dr Fauci had to have learned this. Zika was endemic to Central America and much of South Asia for many generations with no reported association with microcephaly.

Dr Fauci’s critics claimed that an experimental DPT vaccine administered to pregnant women in 2015–2016 in the slums of northeast Brazil was the likely culprit for the wave of microcephaly. Extensive use of highly toxic pesticides in that corner of the nation may have also contributed. They accused Dr Fauci of pointing the finger at Zika to distract attention from the more likely culprits, and to extract billions of dollars from Congress to develop yet another chimeric vaccine.

Brazil also featured in some of the worst Covid propaganda, when our unquestioning legacy media claimed in 2021 that Brazilian children were dying in high numbers “of Covid”. Given what is known about Covid and children, it is much more likely that these were lockdown victims testing positive to Covid whilst dying of malnutrition and other preventable diseases of poverty which were exacerbated by lockdown measures.

In another example of the world’s poorest becoming easy targets of the biowarfare industrial complex, residents in those same slums now face yet more crimes against humanity. Children are the only population group in Brazil now mandated to take injectable covid products. Inexplicably insane, or darkly sinister, is the exclusion of uninjected children from government funded schools.

Plague and Black Death: A One Health Fantasy?

Plague is caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis which lives in 1500 different flea species on a range of animal hosts including rodents, rabbits, cats, dogs and squirrels. Cases of plague occur sporadically through infected flea bites and are easily treated with antibiotics. Epidemics occur when conditions increase rat and mice infestations at the same time as human overcrowding such as in crowded refugee camps.

Along with many other pathogens being tinkered with by mad scientists, plague has also been associated with laboratory acquired fatalities in North America.

Disease X Laboratory Leaks
Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

Healthy social conditions and an end to dangerous gain of function research are the best ways to protect against infectious diseases. Instead, the One Health Agenda seeks global governance over all plants, animals and human beings. The very people funding those mad scientists in their dangerous experiments, specifically state the need for a peaceful depopulation to protect the planet.

True environmentalism focuses on increasing human prosperity which in turn reduces pollution and protects nature. Those leading the infinite insanity of One Health are working out ways to monetise nature so that every water source, every plant, and every natural asset will be taxed. The resulting costs will ultimately see that we all “own nothing and be happy”.

NZDSOS Recommendations

  1. As recommended by Laurent Mucchielli at the National Scientific Research Centre in Paris, in After Covid, monkeypox: the same circus again?: “It is urgent and crucial that as many of us as possible first awaken intellectually and then find the courage to publicly announce their refusal to consent.”
  2. Remain informed and communicate your knowledge to those around you.
  3. When rules are imposed which make no sense, decline your compliance. Learn to say NO and mean it.
  4. Invest in and learn about maintaining your and your family’s health so you are not reliant on the medical system.

This article was originally published by NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science.
