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Dishonesty Comes First, Journalism Last

Stuff likes to think they are better than everyone else. Their doctrinaire stance on climate change is a case in point. So too is their abject grovelling to Maori and their support of the ‘maorification’ of everything.

They are propped up by millions of dollars of Government money and so they’ve also corrupted themselves in becoming second only to Newshub in shilling the Government line.

Can you trust them?

Not for even a New York minute. Check out this story from them:

Police are investigating after Stuff uncovered a clandestine political meeting in Auckland during alert level 4.

The Wednesday evening gathering at a secluded boat shed focussed on the topic of “mass hysteria”, according to a leaked email from an organiser.

Gatherings are prohibited during level 4.

The group, which meets regularly on Wednesdays at the clubrooms, styles itself as an educational forum and has a name alluding to an alt-right internet subculture.

Stuff has chosen not to publish the name of the group. It covers topics such as “truth and lies, government influence, suppression of opinion, censorship, and getting the message out”, according to internal communications.

The group meets regularly at a waterside boat shed and clubrooms in Auckland. […]

When Stuff arrived about 7pm, the meeting was already under way. The group could be heard speaking, laughing and clinking bottles.

Eventually they turned on a film.

Proceedings began to wind up about 9pm.

A man opened the club’s door and checked the coast was clear before the first attendee left for his car and drove off.

A similar procedure unfolded about 10 minutes later before several more people left the club.

From a distance of more than 10m, Stuff questioned the group about why they were gathering during level 4, and the meeting’s purpose.

The only response was from one man, who said: “dunno”.

They then carried on up the street in silence, not responding to further questions.

While the meeting was under way, Stuff informed police of the gathering.


Look at that reporting and their virtue signalling. Stuff says they uncovered it but what they don’t tell us is that they have a group of staffers and contractors who are specifically tasked with “infiltrating” these groups so that they can then out them and dob them in to Police.

They aren’t only going after these groups, they are also deliberately trying to infiltrate sites like this. We know this because we’ve caught one of them.

To cap off this story, Stuff also became a government snitch, reporting this group which they were supposedly writing a story on, to Police.

Clearly, they never learned at school that snitches get stitches. But more worryingly it shows that Stuff has become an agent of the state, going around under the pretence of being journalists but in actual fact acting like Stasi snitches.

Trust Stuff? Not bloody likely.

The BFD is the only media you can trust. We don’t snitch, we don’t take government money and we protect our sources.

When you have the government imploring people to snitch, and media working complicitly with the state, then your society is approaching fascism. Mate against mate, family members against family members.

If you ever wondered how fascism was able to rise in the 1930s you are watching how on a day by day basis. If you do or say nothing then you are as much a part of the problem as the fascists who seek to control us.

Please share this article so others can discover The BFD.
