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DOC Co-governance an Inland Foreshore and Seabed

Medical Apartheid. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

David Seymour
ACT Leader

The Government has some serious explaining to do about a co-governance proposal for the DOC Estate.

DOC has set up a group called the ‘Options Development Group,’ claiming the group is designed to better recognise treaty principles in conservation through modifications to the Conservation General Policy. The group was facilitated by one of the author’s of the recent He Puapua report.

The group recommended a devolution of DOC functions to Maori and a redefinition of the meaning of conservation. Essentially this is Foreshore and Seabed 2.0, but inland.

All New Zealanders should be equal in the eyes of the law but we are heading towards a two state system.

If the Government is planning a two-state system, then it should come out and say so. Jacinda Ardern has done everything in her power to avoid being open and transparent about her plans for New Zealand.

Our politics is becoming increasingly and uncomfortably race-based. The Government is to blame. So many of their policies are explicitly race-based. It’s becoming impossible to debate policies without talking about race.

A recent advertisement for a DOC Treaty Implementation Manager in the Manwatu shows DOC is already going to great lengths to cater to Iwi perspectives, separate from every other New Zealanders.

It’s time for Jacinda Ardern to stop putting her head in the sand and give Kiwis some answers about her Government’s plans”

A copy of the recommendations can be found here

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