Culture Wars

Smug Lefties Want to Pass Down Their Prejudices
Who would deliberately deny their kids the best possible education in the name of ideology?

Now Is the Time to Stand Up for Our Values
The Long March left is on the retreat: now is not the time to rest easy.

Anti-Semites Love Them Some Taxpayers’ Money
The arts industry is as incestuous as a Gazan wedding.

Tas Senator Takes Aim At Anti-Semitic Luvvies
Opposition set to take on culture war issues.

Let the Fogeys Fogey All They Want in Private
Who cares if posh blokes want to club in private?

Have the Woke Only Just Realised They Are the Baddies?
The woke left are sitting watching their heroes being torn down and wondering why.

Is the Long March Done?
Imagine if they conquered the institutions and no one was there.

Oh, No! The Peasants Are Revolting!
In which an elite prat bemoans the decline of the Globalist world order.

The Snobbery of the Woke Left
The left have always been class snobs – it’s just the definition of class that’s changed.

Woke Corporates Back Down in a Hurry
The Trump ascension is the last blow against corporate wokeism.