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Doctors Stand Up to the Powerful State Medical Boards

Woman Placing Her Finger Between Her Lips
Photo by Kat Smith. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Further to New Zealand’s concerns about the Federation of State Medical Board’s (FSMB) overarching and unethical domination of medical care, a recent Epoch Times episode of Crossroads with Joshua Philipp discussed the issue from an American perspective. Philipp interviewed Richard Jaffe, a lawyer representing plaintiffs Physicians for Informed Consent and Childrens’ Health Defense (California Chapter), in a case against the Osteopathic and Medical Boards of California. Jaffe outlines the legal argument that silencing doctors is a violation of their constitutional rights.

State medical boards are using their authority as a tool to silence doctors who dare to question the established narratives on medicine, or who stand against the pharmaceutical industry. This problem came to the forefront over Covid-19 when the medical establishment got information wrong on the virus and vaccines and also censored legitimate treatments. Yet doctors are now standing up.

The case pertains specifically to California’s COVID-19 censorship bill AB2098. This was introduced to the legislature after a July 2021 press release by the Federation of State Medical Boards recommending discipline and/or license revocation of any doctors disseminating “vaccine misinformation and disinformation”. As we have outlined previously, these very similar threats to doctors and health professionals were made across the globe in lockstep including in Australia (March 2021) and New Zealand (April 2021).

‘Misinformation’ is defined as a euphemism for any statement which departs from official orthodoxy, particularly relating to pharmaceutical products, regardless of whether it is true or false. The perceived need to suppress mis- and disinformation featured as a hot topic at the World Economic Forum annual conference in Davos less than two weeks ago.

Bill AB2098 defines misinformation as false information that is contradicted by contemporary science. In support of the plaintiffs, internist and cardiologist Dr Sanjay Verma presented evidence to the court of the ever-shifting narrative of so-called “contemporary scientific consensus“, which he describes as a “vague and illusory” concept.

Dr Peterson Pierre of Americas Frontline Doctors outlined in a September 2022 “Daily Dose” video brief, the four facts about Covid-19 inoculations which the Californian state government are attempting to suppress via Bill AB2098:

  • The inoculations do not prevent infection;
  • The inoculations do not prevent transmission;
  • The inoculations are associated with some serious side effects; and
  • Those who are fully boosted are more susceptible to being sick.

On 26 January 2023 Physicians for Informed Consent and Childrens’ Health Defense reported a temporary legal win in the case, allowing the plaintiffs their ongoing right to provide informed medical opinions as they are skilled to do. In granting a preliminary injunction against AB2098 until the ongoing lawsuit is resolved, the federal judge determined that the defendants (Governor Gavin Newsom, Attorney-General Rob Bonta and California’s Osteopathic and Medical Boards) had provided “no evidence that ‘scientific consensus’ has any established technical meaning” and that the law provides “no clarity” on the meaning of the word “misinformation”.

Whilst this case is specific to California, USA, it is highly relevant to all medical doctors being silenced by those working through the Federation of State Medical Boards and International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities, (IAMRA) to force a pharmaceutical industry-driven agenda suppressing true healthcare and healing in favour of profit-driven treatments for the ‘management of chronic disease’. This includes doctors and health professionals working in New Zealand.

New Zealand doctors should be aware of the close connections between the MCNZ and these international regulatory associations.  Joan Simeon, the CEO of the MCNZ, is the Chair-Elect of IAMRA while Curtis Walker, Chairman of MCNZ is on the ‘Workgroup on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Medical Regulation and Patient Care’ of the FSMB.

Below is a 10 minute clip from the full half hour interview.

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