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Domestic Violence Facts Destroy the Feminist-Left Narrative

Cartoon by Bill Leak. The BFD.

New figures regarding domestic homicide in Australia contain both good and bad news. The good news is that domestic homicide has declined dramatically, to its lowest-ever recorded levels. The bad news is that it persists particularly in two key demographics.

Both of those are very bad news for the feminist narrative.

As many observers noted, when the government funds domestic violence media campaigns, the perpetrators are almost exclusively depicted as white males. Feminists and their creepy male “allies” not only shriek and gibber that women are being all but hunted like game, but blame it all on “toxic white masculinity” and “white male privilege”.


Almost half of all people killed by intimate partners are indigenous or overseas-born…

Contrary to community perceptions, the domestic homicide rate, in particular the intimate-partner homicide rate, has been falling since 1989-90 (when data collecting began).

Intimate-partner homicides fell to 0.26 per 100,000 people in 2015-16, the lowest rate recorded.

So, that’s both narratives busted.

But, while it might seem opportune to cock a snook at the feminist left, the fact remains that there are some truly shocking details in these numbers.

About 23 per cent of intimate-partner homicide victims were indigenous in the 10 years to 2015-16.

Bear in mind that indigenous people are just three percent of the Australian population. Which means that indigenous people are 15 times more likely than non-indigenous to be victims of domestic homicide. Even more shocking, indigenous victims are overwhelmingly children.

Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety chief executive Heather Nancarrow said…“We hear our federal government talking about violence against all women as a ­national priority, but when it comes to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women we’ve got a national emergency, a national crisis on our hands,” she said.

“It deserves a dedicated ­response.”

[…] Antoinette Braybrook, who heads a peak body representing indigenous survivors of abuse, said a dedicated national action plan to reduce violence against indigenous women and children was needed.

We had one, back in 2007. It was called the “Northern Territory Emergency Response”, responding to the “Little Children Are Sacred” report, which told us exactly what these figures are still telling us. But the left overwhelmingly howled down the Intervention, as it was called, as “racist”.

The NTER was repealed by the leftist Gillard government in 2012. Yet, even Gillard’s policy, under the splendidly Maoist slogan-title, “Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act”, is still decried by “human rights” groups as supposedly racist. There is also the standard white apologist babble about “customary law”, which, as some prominent Aboriginal women argue, simply serves as a shield for “big men” in Aboriginal communities to continue to abuse women and children with impugnity.

So, the good news is that domestic homicide in Australia is declining. The bad news is that it is horrifically persistent in certain demographics. We’re not going to fix that until we move to overcome the soft racism of the left, which blames everything on “white males” while enabling the bad behaviour of men whose skin colour and ethnic identity suit the left’s prejudices.
