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The ABC doesn’t want to offend child-rapists. The BFD.

When I wrote, some time ago, that “the left is promoting paedophilia (again)”, even I had the nagging sense that I was being more than a bit foil-hat conspiratorial. Surely no one could be far gone enough to actually try and normalise such a hideous crime as child abuse?

Sadly, though, just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you – or, more precisely, your kids.

And never underestimate just how far the far-left are prepared to go. The last century should have taught us everything we know about just how prepared ideologues can be to abandon themselves to any level of degeneracy and beastliness in the name of ideology. When Mao told the Red Guards to overthrow “old ways”, nothing, but nothing was too far to go. Not just mass-murder, but even such horrors as cannibalism were practised openly.

In their determination to overthrow the “capitalist” institution of the family, the neo-Marxist Queer Theorists declare, “fuck your kids”. Literally. Even they know that kiddy-fiddling is a hard sell, of course, so the method is proceed by the same slippery slope that has led from “gay rights” to “drag queen story hour”.

As conservative writer David Robertson predicted:

“after SSM, it would be Transgender and then the removal of gender altogether (this is all classic Queer Theory) and that this would then be followed by polyamory, polygamy, incest and then paedophilia. People think the latter especially is unlikely. I don’t agree. The way it will happen is for paedophilia first of all to be defined as an illness and a sexuality. Then in popular culture, we will gradually get ‘Lolita’ stories seeking to make a sympathetic ‘non-judgemental’ case”.

We’re already at least halfway down Robertson’s slippery slope – and they’re making solid progress on redefining paedophilia “as an illness and a sexuality”.

ABC reporters in Tasmania have been told to “avoid” referring to child sex abusers as pedophiles, to avoid marginalising people with pedophilia. An email sent to all news staff this week advises against the use of the term “pedophile”, even to describe those who have serially abused children over many years.

The ABC, it must be borne in mind, is the mainstream leftist public institution in Australia. If it’s being promoted by the ABC, it’s leftist orthodoxy.

The ABC doesn’t want to offend child-rapists. The BFD.
This was prompted by reporting on alleged pedophile nurse James (Jim) Geoffrey Griffin, who killed himself in October 2019 while facing multiple charges relating to child sex abuse and producing child exploitation material.

“Sexual Assault Support Service on the weekend … mentioned their concerns about describing Griffin as a ‘paedophile’,” says the email sent by a senior producer.

“We should avoid it, unless we know he had a clinical diagnosis of paedophilia and instead use serial sexual offender / predator, or a sexual abuser of children and young people,” the next paragraph, in boldface, reads.

I mean, he only abused children and made child porn.

The leftist orthodoxy being promoted by the ABC is the notion of so-called “virtuous paedophiles”, who refer to themselves as “NOMAPs” (Non-Offending Minor-Attracted Persons).

“SASS says another consideration is from their point of view, there are a lot of paedophiles / people with paedophilia who do not act on those impulses, ­especially if they reach out for and receive professional psychological help … describing (perhaps technically inaccurately) Griffin as a paedophile could ­discourage those people from seeking help, making it more ­likely that they go on to abuse children.”

The Australian

To their credit, some ABC journalists arked up at this nonsense. Station management quickly backtracked.

Bigots. They just need more inclusivity and awareness training, so they can stop offending those poor, persecuted paedophiles.

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