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Dr Jackie Stone – A True Loss

Dr Stone was burdened by the enormity of the global forces at play and perhaps saw no way out. Let her sacrifice not be in vain. 

Photo by Nathan Anderson / Unsplash


On 3 October 2024, we were told Dr Jackie Stone took her own life at the age of 59.

Described as a mother, a great doctor, a philanthropist and an amazing woman, Dr Stone joined the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) as a Senior Fellow of Holistic and Integrative Medicine in July 2024. She obtained her undergraduate medical degree at the University of Cape Town before pursuing an Honors degree in Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics.

She undertook postgraduate training at London’s prestigious St Bartholomew’s Hospital and became a member of the Royal College of Physicians in the UK. Known for her notable contributions to HIV treatment and prevention, she also had extensive experience in travel medicine, aviation medicine, and rural and remote medicine.

Dr Stone was working as a family medicine physician in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit this impoverished nation in July 2020. Describing this time as “pandemonium”, her team began using repurposed drug protocols including ivermectin, doxycycline, zinc and inhaled nanosilver, in August 2020. The decrease in cases and deaths was immediate and dramatic. Dr Stone then became instrumental in educating medical colleagues around the world. This was to be her ultimate downfall.

She’s exactly the kind of doctor that I appreciate and admire
~ Dr Pierre Kory

For her pioneering and lifesaving achievements, Dr Stone drew the ire of authorities and was detained at Harare Central Prison on 19 January 2021. Around this time, six members of the Zimbabwean parliament contracted Covid-19. Three MPs received ivermectin and survived; and three did not receive ivermectin and died.

A spark of publicity resulted in the widespread acceptance of ivermectin, which was consequently legalised for use by Zimbabwean authorities on 27 January 2021. A surge in ivermectin use resulted in Zimbabwe’s covid death rate plummeting from 70 per day to two per day by mid February 2021 and zero per day by mid March 2021.

In mid-January 2021, two Zimbabwe-based epidemiologists from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Professor Katharina Kranzer and Professor Rashida Ferrand, wrote the below letter of complaint about Dr Stone. Writing on behalf of the Biomedical Research and Training Institute of Zimbabwe (BRTI), they addressed the Medical and Dental Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe, calling for “an urgent review of her actions and of her fitness to practice in Zimbabwe”.

Jackie Stone Letter of Complaint
Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

The BRTI is a recipient of international research funding from the following organisations.

Jackie Stone BRTI Funding
Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

The crux of the letter by Professors Ferrand and Kranzer was that the therapies used and promoted for use by Dr Stone “do not currently have a robust evidence base”. At the time their letter was written the real-world evidence for ivermectin protocols was in fact demonstrated from within Zimbabwe, by the survival rate of thousands of patients treated by Dr Stone’s own team. The most up-to-date evidence on the indisputable safety and efficacy of ivermectin use in Covid-19 treatment is available here.

Professors Ferrand and Kranzer are also employed as co-directors of The Health Research Unit of Zimbabwe (THRU-ZIM), who collaborate with the following organisations, including, but not limited, to the Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust and World Health Organization.

Jackie Stone THRU ZIM Collaborations
Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

It is clear that Professors Ferrand and Kranzer are agents for the multi-billion-dollar global pharmaceutical industry from within Zimbabwe. The treatment of Dr Jackie Stone sent a loud and clear message to other doctors of the repercussions that those who stand against this powerful cartel can expect to experience.

The Medical and Dental Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe is a listed member of the International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities (IAMRA), alongside the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ). The current chair of IAMRA is none other than the CEO of the MCNZ – Joan Simeon. Both are engaged in the persecution and prosecution of local doctors for committing the exact same ‘crimes’ of following the Hippocratic Oath and practicing evidence-based medicine.

This persecution serves the vested interests of Big Pharma, who are now the main sponsor of the World Health Organization (WHO). The partnership between IAMRA and WHO was cemented by a memorandum of understanding signed in February 2024 between MCNZ CEO and IAMRA Chair, Joan Simeon and WHO Director-General, Tedros Ghebreyesus.

Jackie Stone IAMRA Members NZ and Zimbabwe
Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

During an interview discussing the criminal charges brought against her, Dr Stone reflected in November 2022 on the authoritarian response which has been duplicated in lockstep around the world. This is the embodiment of ‘globalism’, a movement being directed by the United Nations and World Health Organization, attempting to not only centralise medicine and public health under a one-size-fits-all umbrella, exploiting society for the benefit of vested interests, but also directly target poor countries in which to unleash their horrors.

The Zimbabwe Government’s reliance on an ‘Expert Advisory Committee’ who comes out with guidelines to stop affordable treatments and threatens pharmacists and doctors with police action if we prescribe Vitamin C, D and Zinc … I am afraid that this whole process has been subverted by persons with a profound conflict of interest and biases.

For a detailed outline of the prosecution and persecution of Dr Stone, see Dr Ahmad Malik’s 6 October 2024 tribute, Rest in Peace, Dr Jackie Stone: “Perhaps They Never Will”. Her experience was especially cruel because of the significant success of her work in arresting the Covid pandemic in Zimbabwe and across the African continent. Under normal circumstances she would have been hailed a hero but instead she was criminalised and lost her right to practice her career and earn a living. Weeks after this court decision was made, she took her own life.

NZDSOS feel a strong connection with Dr Stone. Our membership includes doctors who qualified and/or practiced in southern Africa. For some, Dr Stone was one of the first people we learned of, speaking against the narrative that we recognised as useless, socially harmful, economically harmful, physically harmful and anti-scientific. She shared evidence for beneficial interventions, such as repurposed drugs, which many of our members then successfully implemented in our own practice.

One of Dr Stone’s biggest disappointments was the compliance of fellow doctors with unethical, unscientific and harmful interventions. We have been similarly persecuted and prosecuted for going against the globalist agenda of exploitation for profit and power. Like Dr Stone, we value the sacred doctor-patient relationship and medical ethics such as informed consent and first do no harm.

Dr Stone coordinated the July 2024 Healing in Africa Chronic Disease, Long Covid and Cancer Summit in Victoria Falls. Filmmakers Lisa Henry and Leigh Wood attended and made the half-hour documentary This Way to the Falls, showcasing a number of doctors at the summit including Dr Stone. Using footage filmed during the making of this documentary, they released this tribute to Dr Stone after her death, portraying the sacrifices she made.

In memory of Dr Stone, stand with us against the Medical Council of New Zealand and their international overlords the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and IAMRA who continue to persecute doctors who stand for first do no harm and medical ethics. Dr Stone was burdened by the enormity of the global forces at play and perhaps saw no way out. Let her sacrifice not be in vain. 

This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.
