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Duck Shooting Season in Doubt for Many This Year

shallow focus photo of flying goose
Photo by Vincent van Zalinge. The BFD

Many hunters and farmers will miss out on this year’s duck shooting season because the Police are failing to address a backlog of firearms licence applications, National’s Police spokesperson Simeon Brown says.

“There are 10,000 applications waiting to be processed with 3000 of those just licence renewals.

“With opening weekend for duck shooting season fast approaching the Police should be adding more resources to help clear the backlog.

“Hunters missed out last year due to the Covid-19 restrictions. They’re understandably itching to get back out on the pond, but they may miss out again this year because of an administrative backlog.

“This is not because they have put in applications late, many applied before Christmas but are still waiting.

“The Police must make sure their licensing processes are sound but it is unfair to punish the thousands of firearms owners who are just renewing their licence.

“The easiest way to help get through the thousands of applications would be the Minister using powers under the Arms Act to provide temporary extensions.

“With such a pile up of applications it’s clear the Police are struggling to deal with the workload. The Government needs to be resourcing our police properly so the public can receive the level of service they expect.”

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