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Easter Trading Bill Long Overdue, Deserves Government Support

girl in green jacket playing with white and pink plastic balls on green grass field during
Photo by Gabe Pierce. The BFD

ACT Party
ACT Small Business spokesperson Chris Baillie.

“Once again retailers and hospitality owners throughout New Zealand will spend Easter trying to understand why we still have the archaic laws that have no place in today’s society,” says ACT Small Business spokesperson Chris Baillie.

“Business people across the country will be hoping my Member’s Bill, the Shop Trading Hours (Repeal of Good Friday and Easter Sunday as Restricted Trading Days) Amendment Bill, gets drawn from the ballot before next Easter.

“As it says on the tin, it would remove the extra burden on businesses by relieving restrictions on trading on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

“Of course we needn’t rely on the whim of the biscuit tin. I’m calling on the Government to pick it up and pass it into law before next Easter.

“It’s idiotic that bar staff will spend much of the coming weekend telling customers when they can drink, how long they have to drink it, how much they are required to eat and what they have to eat.

“Sorry, chips aren’t enough for your lunch, but if you have some salad, that’s okay.

“Seriously, the time has come to end this silliness.

“Restricted trading over Easter represents a level of state control and bureaucracy which is unnecessary and hurts small business especially.

“Small businesses generally have a smaller pool of cash reserves and tighter allowances to be able to operate under the restrictions.

“ACT says consistent with a free society all businesses should be allowed to determine which days they would like to open.

“The Bill has workers in mind as it retains the existing employee protections that apply in respect of Easter Sunday and extends these protections to Good Friday.

“Business owners need a break and removing anachronistic Easter Trading laws would be a welcome start.”

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