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‘El Woco Loco’ Goes on Yet Another Overseas Trip, Now Stuck in MIQ

Green list MP Ricardo Menendez March

Late last year we exposed the lies about the self described impoverished background of “El Woco Loco”, Ricardo Menendez-March. Despite his claims of extreme poverty, he always seemed to have enough money for regular Christmas trips to his home country of Mexico.

Shortly after whingeing on Facebook about the struggling poor, this chardonnay socialist was jetting home to “Playami”, Mexico in the midst of a pandemic. The holidays certainly weren’t hard for this trougher, who presumably has availed himself of taxpayer funds to pay for his airfares.

New Green MP Ricardo Menendez March is currently in a Government-run managed isolation hotel after visiting family in Mexico.

Menéndez March was born in Mexico and was visiting for a “serious personal family matter,” a spokesperson for the party said.

He arrived back in the country on February 1 and is thus near the end of his mandatory two-week stay in managed isolation (MIQ).

His decision to leave the country contravenes the current travel advice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) – which encourages Kiwis to not travel overseas at all.

“We currently advise that all New Zealanders do not travel overseas at this time due to the outbreak of COVID-19, associated health risks and widespread travel restrictions,” MFAT’s advice reads.


Except if you are a Green MP it seems, then the rules don’t apply.

I wonder if the taxpayer is picking up the tab for his MIQ stay?

At least we know what MIQ stands for…Mexican in Quarantine!

So Ricardo left on the 13 December 2020, 3 days before our story broke about his annual Christmas trips home.

That’s seven weeks, or fifty days, that he has been out of the country.

Who knew that he’d go on another overseas holiday while the rest of the country is not allowed to travel.

He probably thought he was safe to stay until 1 February this year, but then started to panic when he realised it wasn’t a good look.

It seems too that there are even more misalignments in his back story that have been highlighted by his profile article in The Guardian. That will keep for another day.

No doubt the Green party will hide “El Woco Loco” behind their shield of sanctimony and cover him with their cloak of hypocrisy.

Is it too late to build a wall to keep this Mexican out?
