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‘El Woko Loco’ Wants to Fix the System That He Exploited

Green list MP Ricardo Menendez March

‘El Woko Loco’, ‘Tricky Ricky’ Menendez March and the Green party are wanting to reform the immigration system, that they say is broken:

The Green Party is calling for an overhaul of the immigration system, which they say treats “migrant workers as cheap labour and second-class citizens” and discriminates based on wealth and nationality.

In an open letter to Minister for Immigration Kris Faafoi, the party is calling for a broad amnesty programme for people who’ve overstayed their visa, and for temporary visa holders to be granted residency.

“Migrant communities are flourishing in Aotearoa, as people come from around the world to create a good life for them and their families,” immigration spokesperson Ricardo Menéndez March said.

“All migrants deserve to have their dignity, rights and humanity honoured by Immigration NZ and our government.

“But in Aotearoa New Zealand, we have an immigration system that discriminates and separates, treating migrant workers as cheap labour and second-class citizens.

“Migrant communities are an important part of the tapestry of Aotearoa. Migrant workers played a key role in our response to Covid-19 and we have an opportunity to ensure they have the ability to fully participate in society by granting them residency.”

NZ Herald
This would be the same Ricardo Menendez March who amazingly managed to secure a pathway for his boyfriend through the very same system that he says is broken.

It appears to have worked just fine for him and his.

This little weasel, and streak of mobile misery, is just typical of the type of migrants that come here and want to try to change this country into the type of ‘shit-hole countries’ that they’ve migrated from to escape.

Our immigration policy needs to be ‘fit in or eff off’.

I’m all for reforming our immigration policies, to make it a damn sight harder to get here and stay here, and I suspect there are many more people like me who outnumber socialist weasels like him by a considerable margin.

If ‘El Woko Loco’ doesn’t like the system or being here then he can always sling his hook back to Playami.

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