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Elimination Has Failed, but the ‘Experts’ Are Still Going for It

Ashley Bloomfield HAGEN HOPKINS/GETTY-IMAGES Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield has said the two women who drove to Wellington should have been tested prior to leaving Auckland.

The Government’s much vaunted elimination strategy has demonstrably failed, but the idiots in charge still think they can control the virus. Five weeks of level four restrictions have failed to eliminate the virus, but hey, let’s give level three a go!

Mike Hosking got right into Ashley Bloomfield yesterday:

In an at times testy interview with Newstalk ZB’s Mike Hosking this morning, Dr Ashley Bloomfield stood his ground on the issue of elimination of the virus, despite the number of community cases being high hours before Auckland will move down to alert level 3.

Bloomfield also rejected Hosking’s suggestion that these days he sounded “more like a politician than a health professional … you sound like you’re doing the Government’s bidding”.

The director-general replied firmly: “Actually I’m not spinning anything Mike.”

He described his relationship with the Government as being like a marriage and that not all of his alert level recommendations were necessarily accepted by Cabinet.

Put to him several times that the elimination strategy has not worked, Bloomfield said: “Well, we’re not back to zero …”

“Yeah, but that’s what elimination is,” Hosking cut in.

Bloomfield replied: “Well elimination is not tolerating the virus and that’s what we’ve done for 20 months and …”

Hosking: “And in not tolerating the virus, you need to get rid of the virus and to get rid of the virus you need some zeros. You haven’t got zeros, you’re not going to get zeros. Elimination doesn’t work.”

Bloomfield: “Just to be clear, that is absolutely still our aim.”

Hosking: “You can have an aim ’til you’re blue in the face, but it doesn’t work. Why don’t you just simply admit what everybody can see, it hasn’t worked, that’s life. Let’s move on.”

Bloomfield remained calm in his reply, saying: “Well actually, I’ve got a different view and I think many New Zealanders have too. We’re working, it’s working and that’s where we’re going to – we want to get rid of the virus.

“In what way is it working?” Hosking asked, before giving a rundown of the number of community cases in the last two weeks.

Bloomfield pointed out that across the Tasman, Covid numbers were still extremely high and New Zealand had done a good job to keep the number of cases here much lower, in comparison.

NZ Herald

I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain to Bloomfield the lack of joined-up thinking with his statements. He pointed to the rapid spread of delta in Australia while ignoring their months of lockdowns, hard mask mandates and a higher vaccination rate.

Earlier in the interview, Bloomfield said although officials had hoped case numbers would be lower, they were comfortable announcing a change in alert levels in Auckland because all cases were connected to current cases or were in people who were already in managed isolation.

He also revealed that one of the households affected lived on the same street as another household now infected with Covid-19.

Bloomfield said they were still going to “go really hard” to fight Covid. This time, we have vaccinations on our side, he said.

Vaccination is basically the next very important tool in our toolkit and NZME has recognised that – as have many New Zealanders. I think the campaign to get over 90 per cent is exactly where we need to be.

“We’re wanting to reconnect the country. We know that that means Covid will come into the country, but we’re still adamant we still want to protect the population – and vaccination is the way to do that.”

NZ Herald

Again no amount of crayons will be able to get through to this idiot, that vaccinations actually don’t help at all, and it is a lie that they reduce transmission, along with masks. Neither stops the spread of the virus.

Has this functioning idiot not looked at every single other country with higher vaccination rates than New Zealand, and tougher mask mandates, and tougher lockdown restrictions and stopped to wonder how it is that Delta miraculously is immune to all that and case numbers continue to skyrocket even as vaccination rates increase?

Why does he, and the ninny playing at being Prime Minister, think that New Zealand will astonishingly be different from every other country in the world?

They may like to say they are continuing the elimination strategy but the bottom line is this, it’s all they’ve got.

When cases grow again, and they will, just as they have in every other country in the world, then what are these fools going to do next?

Well, we can see what they are going to do, from their recent actions. They are going to keep running lockdowns, keep deluding themselves that vaccinations will help, that tougher and more ludicrous mask mandates will work despite evidence to the contrary from right around the world, and lastly they will ramp up the penalties for non-compliance to stupid levels whereby you get fined more for failing to wear a mask than for drunk driving.

The longer this goes on, and still no one dies, the fewer people are going to listen to their fear-mongering and bulldust. But they just keep ratcheting up the fear factor.

Finally, this video explains the total lack of logic the vaxholes exhibit in nagging and pushing people to “vaccinate”:

Their argument makes about as much sense as Ashley Bloomfield’s comments about what is in his toolkit or what levers the Prime Minister can pull.

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