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Photo credit The BFD.

The reopening of our border is welcome news for millions of New Zealanders offshore and at home, Opposition Leader Christopher Luxon says.

“National has been calling for the Government to end the lottery of human misery that is MIQ and we are pleased that New Zealanders offshore now have some light at the end of the tunnel.

“Today’s announcement is a victory for the 100,000 people who signed National’s petition to end MIQ and the one million Kiwis around the world who, for the last two years, have been blocked from coming home to their family and friends.

“It’s also good news for businesses and workplaces that rely on New Zealand being open to the world so that they can get the critical workers they need into the country.

“I know there will be people who will be sceptical or nervous that the Government might not keep to these dates, so National will hold them to account and ensure they stick to these commitments.

“We know that MIQ no longer makes sense so it’s right that it should come to an end.

“The last two years haven’t been easy for anyone, and it’s been especially rough on Kiwis forced to enter a lottery to enter their own country.

“I look forward to seeing those ‘grounded Kiwis’ walking off those planes from the end of February and reuniting with loved ones here in New Zealand that they’ve missed for so long.”
