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Escaped Chinese Scientist: Virus Came From Lab

Dr Li-Meng Yan. The BFD.

Some months ago, The BFD reported on Dr Li-Meng Yan, the Chinese virologist who escaped to the West to try and expose the truth of the Wuhan pandemic.

In July, Dr Yan confirmed what everyone already knew: the Chinese government had lied about the origin of SARs-CoV-2 in Wuhan and covered up early evidence of human-to-human transmission. Researchers were silenced and threatened when they tried to reveal the truth.

Worse, Yan says, the WHO was complicit in the cover-up.

Beijing’s and the WHO’s lies and cover-ups robbed the world of vital months to prepare their defences. It’s estimated that 90% of infections and deaths could have been prevented if China had told the truth as soon as they were aware of it.

But now Dr Yan has dropped another bombshell. Speaking from hiding, Yan has confirmed that what has long been derided as a wild-eyed conspiracy theory is, in fact, probably true.

A Chinese virologist who fled to the US after claiming China covered up the coronavirus outbreak has vowed to publish proof the virus was made in a lab.

But, wait on: the mainstream media swore black and blue that this was as crazy as believing the Lizard People faked the Moon landings.

Dr Li, a formerly a specialist at Hong Kong’s School of Public Health, has said her supervisor first asked her to investigate a new “SARS-like” virus in Wuhan on December 31 – but that her efforts were later stifled.

She said she reported back that cases appeared to be rising exponentially but was told to “keep silent and be careful”.

“We will get in trouble and we’ll be ‘disappeared’,” her supervisor reportedly said.

She has also backed claims that the virus came not from a meat market in Wuhan, as is widely thought, but from a virology institute in the city.

Speaking on British TV show Loose Women from an undisclosed location on Friday, Dr Li said: “It comes from the lab in Wuhan.”

Of course, China pursued standard practise with dissidents: silence and smear.

She also said Chinese authorities began efforts to discredit her even before she fled the country.

“They deleted all my information and also they told people to spread rumours about me,” she said.

“That I’m a liar, I don’t know anything, I just killed a hamster in the lab.

“They will try to control my family and friends and then suddenly I don’t exist.”

That the virus was manufactured is a much-disputed claim. But that’s not exactly what Dr Yan is saying. She’s saying that it comes from the Wuhan laboratory. That’s a slightly but very importantly different claim.

It’s known for a fact that the lab in Wuhan was researching coronaviruses in bats. The lab was in close proximity to the Wuhan live animal market. It’s not too great a stretch of credulity that it escaped from the lab (Chinese labs are not exactly renowned for their strict biosecurity) to a market packed with live exotic animals in shockingly unhygienic conditions, and spread like wildfire from there. In fact, the likely Patient Zero has been long known, thanks to the forensic work of a mere YouTuber.

In any case, even if China hadn’t deliberately engineered and released a bioweapon – how, exactly would things have turned out any differently?

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World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

If Harvey and Taylor genuinely believe that a waterfront museum filled with mythological nonsense will spawn a massive change of direction, then the asylum beckons and probably straitjackets for them both.

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