If a make of aeroplane crashed every time it flew, no matter who was at the controls or the weather conditions, it would be grounded forever. Yet when it comes to certain political ideologies, there are many, many people who would happily ignore the smoking wreckage and queue for tickets. “It will fly this time!” they’d chirp.
Of course, that’s assuming they even knew about the long line of crashed planes. To carry the analogy further, any airline that deliberately covered up its dismal safety record, lied about the crashes, and silenced survivors, would rightly be sued into oblivion.
“Intellectuals” and educators are the airlines who continue to launch the disastrous plane called “socialism”. Yet they’ve never been held to account.
But, some are trying. Arizona recently passed a bill mandating that school teachers share the stories of people who fled communism. Stories like Yeonmi Park’s.
Yeonmi Park is one of the few incredibly brave souls to escape the vast communist gulag that is North Korea. Park and her mother endured hell to escape North Korea – including being forced into sexual slavery in China. With the help of Christian missionaries, they eventually reached South Korea. From there, they moved to the United States, which they saw as a beacon of freedom.
But when she attended an elite US university, she was shocked by how grimly familiar it was.
“I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think. I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.”
Park also carries a warning for New Zealand, as Jacinda Ardern tries to force through her Orwellian “hate speech” laws.
There is no free speech or even free thought allowed in North Korea. So to hear about “hate speech” and “safe spaces” in the West was just so incredible to Park. She cannot believe how cavalier and ignorant Westerners are about the supreme value of freedom, including freedom of speech and freedom of conscience.
She says that if America is no longer free, there is no other place left where freedom will exist. She is shocked that Westerners actually think they are living an oppressed life. They know nothing of oppression. But she is censored on YouTube and Twitter when she tries to talk about North Korea. ‘You have to fight for freedom’ she says.
The history of totalitarian movements shows that the most dangerous threats to freedom almost always emerge from the pampered halls of academia.
Almost immediately [at Columbia University] she met the new, sweet and sticky marshmallow totalitarianism which has taken over so many Western seats of learning. A staff member ticked her off when she revealed that she enjoyed classics such as the books of Jane Austen. ‘I said, “I love those books.” I thought it was a good thing,’ she told Fox News in an interview. But the staff member replied: ‘Did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you.’
After encountering the new requirement for the use of gender-neutral pronouns, she concluded ‘Even North Korea is not this nuts… North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy.’
Park notes an important distinction between North Korea and the West: totalitarianism was forced on North Korea by violence. The West is meekly surrendering to totalitarianism by media.
We willingly give in to what has to be forced on to Koreans by police terror, sealed borders and labour camps. And we ought to be ashamed of ourselves. As Ms Park says, at least North Koreans, who live under a regime of brainwashed fear and who are forcibly isolated from all news of the outside world, have an excuse for believing the mad bilge pumped out by their government. We don’t.
‘North Koreans, we don’t have the internet, we don’t have access to any of these great thinkers, we don’t know anything. But here, while having everything, people choose to be brainwashed. And they deny it.’
When even survivors of North Korea think the Woke West is crazy, what more proof do we need that we are living in a totalitarian Clown World?
‘You guys have lost common sense to a degree that I as a North Korean cannot even comprehend.’
The Good Sauce

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