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Every Action Has An Equal and Opposite Reaction

The Christchurch terrorist’s manifesto had no innate power. If everyone had been allowed to read it and to intellectually tear it apart in a robust marketplace of ideas it would have been reduced to powder. New Zealand’s Chief Censor, however, had other ideas and so did PM Jacinda Ardern. Between them, they elevated a worthless document penned by a murderous and hateful individual into the equivalent of kryptonite.

According to both Ardern and New Zealand’s Chief Censor, this pathetic piece of worthless prose had the power to corrupt and to cause violence and the general public could not be trusted to judge its content for themselves.

Now the inevitable reaction has occurred and I lay the blame squarely at the feet of both Ardern and our Chief Censor. By elevating this worthless drivel by fearing it’s power they have created a monster.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says New Zealand will be contacting Ukraine’s Government after revelations the accused Christchurch gunman’s “manifesto” was being sold in hardcover copies.
Neo-Nazis have been selling printed versions of the 87-page, hate-filled document from a Ukrainian encrypted instant messaging site for US$4 ($6.23).

Ardern earlier described it as “abhorrent and disgusting” but said New Zealand had little control over the matter.

Au contraire, prime minister, you had complete control over the matter and by driving it underground and by treating it as if it had power you have given it both power and value. If it was freely available it would have been stripped of any mystique or value and would not now be being sold in hardcover form.

The acting head of the Islamic Women’s Council, Anjum Rahman, told Radio NZ she wanted the Government to approach Ukrainian authorities to find those involved.
On Thursday, Ardern said she would have no problem contacting Ukraine.
“I would no hesitation asking the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to make that kind of contact,” she told reporters in Porirua.
“It’s abhorrent but we only have the ability to control what occurs within our jurisdiction. But I would have no hesitation sharing New Zealand’s view with the Ukraine.”
New Zealand’s Chief Censor has classified the manifesto as objectionable, meaning anyone found to be distributing it in this country could face up to 14 years in prison, or a $10,000 fine.

NZ Herald

All Ardern is doing by contacting the Ukraine is virtue signalling. By banning the manifesto she and the Chief censor made it valuable. If it had not been banned it would already be a forgotten, debunked and thoroughly mocked piece of prose long scrunched up and left in the bin where it belongs.
