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I think we should start a “Socialists who are shit” series. Today’s face of the day Che Guevara is the hero of many a Leftie who proudly wears this racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, terrorist scumbag’s face on their T-shirts.

In 1950s Cuba, inspired by Marxist communism, Argentinian-born Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara entered Cuba with a plan to unite the masses. Guevara incited the masses to a communist revolution. The medical student held strong ideals, the foremost of which was that change could only come at the hand of an armed and violent revolution.
[…] His image is ubiquitous in the West — adorning the shirts and bags of an affluent but historically illiterate generation. Prince Harry, third in line to the British throne, was spotted wearing a Che t-shirt few years ago. This year’s “Icons” collection by Belstaff (an Italian clothing company) contains a “Che Guevara replica jacket.”
Che Guevara, as Alvaro Vargas Llosa shows in The Che Guevara Myth and the Future of Liberty, was a megalomaniac and a murderer. Embarrassingly for the young idealists sporting his image, he was also a racist, a homophobe and an anti-Semite. “The Negro is indolent and lazy,” Che opined about his Congolese comrades, “and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent.” Ignorance about the real Che is universal.
A Racist scumbag and Leftie Icon today’s face of the day is terrorist ” Che” Guevara
[…] people around the world know about the nature and extent of the Holocaust. The crimes of communism, in contrast, remain, by and large, shrouded in veils of ignorance and denial.
[…] In the end, the only equality that communism achieved was that of a breadline and that of a mass grave. Che Guevara symbolizes communism like no other. His image, like his beliefs, belongs in the dustbin of history.
