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National Party MP Judith Collins on her way into their caucus at Parliament, Wellington. 30 April 2019 New Zealand Herald photograph by Mark Mitchell
Longtime National MP Judith Collins is penning a tell-all book about her time in Government

[…] The book, which she has yet to name, will have her take on where she sees the country going and the opportunities she thinks should be embraced.
“But there will also be quite a large opportunity to go through some of the big events that I’ve been a party to, and part of, so I can give another angle.
“There are things when you are in Government sometimes you just can’t say and you just have to keep your mouth shut.
Now, I’m not in that position anymore.”

One area of focus for the book will be “what happened to me in 2014”.
That was the year the Dirty Politics book was published, exposing links between Collins and controversial former Whale Oil blogger Cameron Slater.

She was forced to resign as Justice Minister shortly before the 2014 election but was later cleared of wrongdoing in the Chisholm report.
Collins said: “I can now actually tell what was going on behind the scenes and what was happening – for anyone who is interested in politics they might find it deeply thrilling at times.”

NZ Herald

Some reputations may get tarnished. I’ll bet John Key and Bill English will get their own chapters, which may prove awkward for them. I think this book will show that the narrative in the media about her was contrived and manufactured by weak men who were afraid of her.
