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I can’t see a path to victory for Joe Biden.

There aren’t enough states in play for him. He’s absolutely dreamin’ in claiming Wisconsin and Michigan. He’s 270k votes behind Trump in MI. Biden would have to win 90% of the remaining votes in WI to claim that state.

In Georgia Trump is 120k votes in front so I’d say that will go to Trump too.

PA is a dead duck for Biden, he’s 720k behind and there are less than that in mail-in votes. The Pennsylvania numbers suggest the voter turnout is at least 30% higher than 2016.

Zapata County is on the border between Texas and Mexico. It’s heavily Hispanic as is typical of a border county. It’s 94.5% Hispanic, to be exact. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won it with 65.7% of the vote. In 2020, President Trump won it with 52.5%.

The Democrats also failed to win the senate, and so far have lost two in the house, not enough for GOP to win the house, but hardly the emphatic victory the Democrats and their media lackeys were predicting.

All Biden has left that he can hope to pick up is AZ and NV. The rest he is too far behind.

The Democrats caused utter mayhem for four years, their proxies burned and looted cities, and it turns out that people don’t like their towns and cities invaded by troublemakers.

I’m picking Trump by 277+

The NZ media and their idiot talking heads have yet again got it wrong, wrong wrong. Watching Jack Tame and Patrick Gower perform like trained seals is just cringeworthy.

Wishful thinking and reckons can’t replace proper elections analysis from experts. They really need to change up their commentary team.

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