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Mark Dunajtschik. Image credit The BFD.

A Straightforward Question.

In a letter to the editor in Wednesday’s DomPost, very experienced Wellington property developer and philanthropist Mark Dunajtschik, the man who donated the new $60M Children’s Hospital (now nearing completion) to the city wrote:

“The New Zealand Transport Agency projecting the cycleway between Ngaurunga and Petone to cost $190 million is astonishing.
For $190M I could build three hospitals, despite a hospital being a highly complex ediface packed with modern expensive technology and complicated design features, like sophisticated base isolators and IL4 resilience demands.
A cycleway is a basic surface construction process pioneered and perfected by the Romans 2000 years ago. Why should it cost such an enormous sum?”

Don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer; Mark.


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