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The BFD. Martyn Bradbury

Today’s face of the day Martyn Bradbury has been speaking a lot of sense lately on the topic of Free Speech and Labour’s proposed Hate Speech law.

No one can be watching the Free Speech vs Hate Speech culture war and not be scared shitless by the most recent woke lynching of Rachel Stewart. […]

Rachel was obviously joking in her tweet and clearly poses no physical threat to the Trans community, pretending otherwise is disingenuous at best, lynch mob rule at worst.

If this is what the Twitter woke will do under existing laws, what do you think they will do with the new Hate Speech laws?

Rachel is but the first victim of their cancellation list. This is going to get very, very ugly and the middle will look at these examples and the bloodlust of the woke and they will stop fearing minorities facing hate speech and will start to fear that they will be accused of hate speech!

This madness is going to hurt the Left badly.

The same woke rolling their eyes at free speech concerns are the same woke who will be calling Police to claim hate speech once it passes.

The spittle of anticipation from their fangs for a purge is woke fascism!

This isn’t social policy, it’s a revenge fantasy!

Mark my words, if this Hate Speech madness passes it will unleash a tsunami of Police complaints as schisms turn on schisms and social media will erupt with roaming lynch mobs seeking justice for a thousand slights.

Martyn Bradbury The Daily Blog

Well hasn’t that been a horrifying week of madness?

Fresh from watching so many of my fellow comrades demand praise for pre-censoring a movie none of them had seen, (like proud bookburners), they have seized upon the Hate Speech powers with all the zeal of a cult on laundry day.

Their hunger to hand the criminalization of speech over to the State so that they can Woke nark to the cops over their latest social media lynching is gasp inducing.

Drop a drip of power onto your average Middle Class Identity Politics Spinoff/Stuff subscriber and they mutate into a thousand Tiny Hitler’s, a phalanx of little sisters whose eyes gleam with the same Dogma Cult of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

What we are seeing is woke fascism.

[…] Incitement to violence is a clear threshold and we allow the Human Rights Commission to act as a filter for that bigotry by bringing people together to educate and attempt to resolve discrimination issues, but the Woke don’t want a filter, they want a weapon.

They see this Hate Speech as a means to smite the dirty filthy racists, the evil transphobes and raping misogynists.

This isn’t social policy, it’s a revenge fantasy!

Their daily to-do list would look like this
  • meditation
  • yoga
  • self actualize while taking selfie for Instagram
  • correct others on their te Reo pronunciation
  • cycle to drop off recycling
  • call police and report a misuse of pronouns as a hate crime
  • get into Twitter argument about Meghan Markle living her best life, report to Police as hate crime and try to get the person sacked
  • juice cleanse
  • bake bread & be present with gratitude
Throwing someone in jail for 3 years using a law defined by the police is not a liberal progressive democracy no matter how noble the life goals!

Martyn Bradbury


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