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Peter Singer

Today’s face of the day has been de-platformed in New Zealand in the past and is hoping that this year he will be allowed to enjoy freedom of speech.

The philosopher, who has been recognised as the Australian Humanist of the Year and also labelled the most dangerous person in the worlda title used in promotional material for his events – said at the time it was the first time he had been “deplatformed” in his 50-year career.

Whether or not you or I agree with his views on euthanasia is irrelevant if we truly believe in freedom of speech.

It came after concerns were raised by the disabled community with Newshub about Singer’s view that it may be ethical for parents to choose euthanasia for severely disabled newborn infants.

What really grinds my gears about the people condemning him for his views is that many of them will be the same people who think that Jacinda Ardern who presided over the most EXTREME new abortion laws in the world is just amazing.

Jacinda Ardern has made it possible to abort children right up until birth and no one bats an eyelid, whereas this guy suggests abortion a few minutes or hours after birth and he is the monster. Tomato tomarto, potato potarto, it’s murder, bloody murder either way.

Oh and only this year, a baby who was not disabled was left to die, cold and alone after a failed abortion. This guy just wants to talk about it yet in our New Zealand hospitals abortionists are actually doing it to otherwise perfectly healthy children.

Tell me again who the real monster is in this scenario.

Read the article in full here. Comment on it on The BFD.
