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Today’s face of the day is a face that Simon Bridges has decided to die in a ditch over. He and many National MP’s have deliberately ignored the Speakers ruling by putting the above video on Facebook. What do they think is going to happen?

This is being spun as a fight for freedom of speech by a leader who didn’t give a flying fig about Phil Goff deplatforming Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux. A deplatforming so chilling that the Free Speech Coalition was formed and funded by New Zealand citizens.

The National Party and Simon Bridges didn’t defend freedom of speech then but he and National MP’s under his leadership are giving the finger to Trevor Mallard the Speaker now ostensively for freedom of speech. I am sorry but I am not buying it. This is nothing more than showboating.

This is Bridges’ Snapper moment. His last hurrah.

This is not going to end well for Simon Bridges.
