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man in white thobe standing
Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan. The BFD.
Murupara’s GP of 30 years standing, Dr Bernard Conlon, is to be suspended from practising medicine as of Friday.

[…] “To take me out of practice after three decades of dedicated service to my community is frankly difficult to comprehend, especially with winter coming and Covid-19 at our gates,” he said.

“It is disappointing and frustrating to fathom how a regulatory body can take this action whilst declaring that it prioritises the safety of the New Zealand public.

“So far, Murupara has had eight positive cases of Covid-19 and the surgery is pleased that they all have recovered without complication or needing hospitalisation.”

[…] “The reduction in service under the Covid-19 order is impossible to justify in a sane world,” Dr Conlon said.

[…]The reasons for the Medical Council investigation into Dr Conlon is that he has been outspoken about people’s rights to “informed consent” in regard to vaccines. […]  he considers the standard of information given to patients as “negligent”.

In December, Dr Conlon also filed a case in the Rotorua District Court over Medsafe’s seizure of a shipment of Ivermectin he had ordered from overseas.

“I also continue to spend countless hours researching alternative treatments,” he said.

“For 30 years, I have practised successfully as a rural GP and as such, I do my own due diligence on the management of a wide range of patient health problems. Early treatment protocols for Covid-19 are a game-changer, with a reduction in deaths by upwards of 85 per cent.

NZ Herald

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