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Maori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi.
“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Mark Twain
Maori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi has suggested lowering the New Zealand Superannuation age for Maori to 57 — eight years lower than the current requirement.

The Waiariki MP says the move would be justified because, on average, Maori have shorter lifespans than Pakeha.

NZ Herald

What a fabulous idea!  I have one small question though… how do you identify who is Maori and who isn’t?

The Germans tried the below technique to racially profile their citizens.

Racially profiling German citizens by measuring their noses and ears.

What about those of us who would like to retire earlier who feel Maori or who decide that we are in fact Maori and/or identify as Maori?

What percentage of Maori blood is required? Pretty much most of us can scrape up a genuine Maori ancestor from one branch of the family tree here in New Zealand so I look forward to my early retirement with great enthusiasm.

Thanks, Rawiri! I have no idea why someone didn’t come up with this great idea sooner.

Also, men on average die earlier than women so shouldn’t we let them retire earlier as well?

Stupid people also die earlier than clever people because they do and say stupid things. Should they get to retire early as well? Hmmm, I really think you are on to something here Rawiri.

Fat people also die earlier on average so they should get to retire at 30 (it’s only fair after all).

Come to think of it why doesn’t Rawiri retire his big fat stupid ideas about racially discriminating against people.

Yeah…how about that?

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? Mark Twain
