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michael baker
Professor of public health Michael Baker. Image credit The BFD.
Although the traffic light system was scrapped in September, Baker believes there’s still a need for some kind of alert level.

“What I do think we need is that we have a system that when the risk of infection rises we have the equivalent of an alert level system that describes the level of risk in a way that people really understand.

“We have alert level systems for fires, for earthquakes, for all these other threats. I think we need one again for the pandemic.”

Baker says such a system could have simple measures that kick in when cases reach a certain level, such as mask mandates for public transport.

“I think at the moment, unfortunately, government and other groups are quite worried as being seen to do anything systematic.

“I think we need that leadership with the pandemic.”

An epidemic of epidemiologists. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD

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