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Image credit The BFD.

This needs to be shared far and wide. I’m not ashamed to say some dust flew into my eyes while listening to Mike.

His wife says on his Facebook page:

Mike rang me when he was on his way in to the radio to do this talk. He was flat. He has been for days and he’s overwhelmed and he’s doing too much.
This is how the talk went and when he told me after that he cried I was not surprised.
For the record, I don’t just cry because he has to go off on the weekends. I’ve cried lately because I suffer from depression and the wheels fell off a month ago. Thankfully I’m back on my meds and feeling well and I’m able to support Mike again and he’s going to be ok.
We don’t need messages of love.
We need help.

Watch here. Discuss it on The BFD.


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