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Dr Joseph Fraiman
Joseph Fraiman, an emergency physician and a clinical scientist from Louisiana, claims that the messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine can increase serious adverse events in people, including sudden cardiac deaths.

In a video that surfaced online, Fraiman, who was a lead author of the peer reviewed research that re-analysed Pfizer & Moderna trials for mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, says, “We found the vaccine increases serious adverse events at a rate of one in 800. At the time of the publication, my co-authors and I did not believe our single study warranted the withdrawal of mRNA vaccines from the market. However, since its publication, new pieces of evidence have come to light and this has caused me to reevaluate my position.”

Referring to another study and drawing similarities with his own research, he shares, “An article published in the BMJ regarding the FDA’s own observational surveillance data from messenger RNA were associated with multiple of the exact same serious adverse events identified in our original study.” However, the researcher adds the FDA has failed to inform the public of these findings.

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