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David Cormack, a former Green staffer has rushed to the defence of Green lush Tory Whanau, claiming she is being picked on by people who don’t like that she is young, (she’s 40), and/or because she is Maori.

But Tory is not someone to stamp her feet and demand that she be recognised by hospitality staff. If it was said at all, it would have been tongue in cheek. Tory doesn’t demand or expect special treatment from anyone. She’s one of the most grounded politician types I’ve ever known.

No, this felt different. There was a video in one outlet’s reporting, which showed the mayor talking to the waiter, bottle of wine in hand. Nothing was heard, the mayor looked like she was having a good time. Nobody looked like they were being harassed or abused.

Then a photo started circling on social media alleging that she had been at another venue that day having a boozy lunch.

It was all so disgustingly tabloid.


The problem for Cormack is that four other people have come forward to say that is exactly what she said and did, and I am the one who provided the photo of Whanau having a booze-soaked “lunch” the same day she went out and got hammered while at dinner. My source is impeccable and was there to witness the lunch.

Cormack also forgets the rinsing I gave the “leaky” Mayor of North Shore when he was videoed rolling home drunk from Takapuna.

It seems the only double standards out there are Cormack’s double standards. Something my good friend Rachel Smalley highlights:

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