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Face of the Day: Spotty McSpotface

Spotty McSpotface has been selected by National Party delegates

Today’s face of the day should have been taken behind the bike sheds and given a good walloping and told to come back in 20 years. What on earth are the National Party thinking?

Poor Jo Hayes has been beaten for selection in Palmerston North by a 17-year old! He isn’t even old enough to drink let alone vote.

This shows the thanks Simon Bridges gives to those who support him. He either can’t or won’t protect his own supporters in selection. This is just embarrassing for poor Jo Hayes who by being passed over for a child has won the equivalent of the Maureen Pugh “Fucking Useless” Award for 2019. If you think that comment is mean try to imagine what being beaten for selection by a kid who doesn’t even shave yet feels like.

Instead of rewarding loyalty, National has chosen to virtue signal by selecting a schoolboy for parliament. They have seriously lost the plot.

Then again maybe the delegates are sending a message to Simon Bridges by selecting a 17-year-old snotty-nosed brat over a Simon Bridges sycophant?

It will be very interesting to see where Spotty McSpotface ends up on the list.

Spotty McSpotface has been selected by National Party delegates
