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Speak Up For Women

It’s been a busy few months for Speak Up For Women and by now you may have heard:

Meghan Murphy is coming to New Zealand!
Speak Up For Women is excited to be hosting Meghan at events in Wellington and Auckland.

In Wellington on Wednesday 13th November, Meghan will be speaking alongside:

Dr Holly Lawford-Smith (University Of Melbourne)
Dr Melissa Derby (Ngati Ranginui and AUT)
Ani O’Brien (Spokeswoman of SUFW)

We warmly invite you to hear from some of the best minds in feminism and beyond as they explore what it means to be a woman heading into 2020.

Then, in Auckland on Monday 18th November, our spokeswoman Ani O’Brien will host Meghan in a smaller conversational-style event. Meghan will share about her experiences of silencing and de-platforming in Canada, speaking at Scottish Parliament, and how she sees the future of feminism.

In New Zealand women face hostile politicians and media. Globally women face censorship, intimidation and harassment. In the UK last week, Women’s Place UK hosted a fringe event to the Labour Party conference in Brighton and were harassed by an angry mob of trans activists. Protesters intimidated meeting attendees throwing liquid at them, screaming abuse, and barring the way into the venue while police refused to act. The trans activists then proceeded to bang the windows and walls for the entirety of the meeting.

We refuse to be scared into silence. These bullies can only win if we allow their behaviour to make us afraid to speak out. We must make it embolden us.
Tell Massey Uni to uphold principles of free speech!

We have had some media coverage of our event, which has been very helpful for sales, but less so for our reputation, as Massey University repeated some classic lies about us in the statement they posted to their website and emailed to students over the weekend.
