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Fake News Smears Freedom Protesters

Construction workers swarm the Westgate Bridge. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As I wrote recently, the ongoing protests in Melbourne and around the world are fundamentally about the destruction of public trust. The naked power-grabbing and lies of the media-political elite have destroyed what little faith ordinary people had left.

But, rather than show a humility and start telling the truth, politicians and their bureaucratic lackeys are just doubling down on the lies and bullying.

Victoria… on Thursday ­reported 766 local infections… It is the highest daily figure since the pandemic began…

Former World Health ­Organisation epidemiologist Professor Adrian Esterman said protests in Melbourne may have contributed to Thursday’s sharp spike.

“With thousands of people there shouting, many of whom weren’t wearing masks, I can almost guarantee there’d be at least a few infected people there,” Prof Esterman told the Herald Sun.

We know for a fact that there were infected people at the BLM protests during last year’s lockdown. Yet, public health bureaucrats explicitly denied any connection with subsequent case numbers. At the same time the media lied — and still repeat the lie — that BLM protesters were rigorously masked.

But the same bureaucrats and media are falling over themselves to smear anti-lockdown protesters as “super-spreaders”.

This sounds like fake news, part of the vilification of the protests this week:

The professor should know better.

The protests were all in the open, where, despite the hysterical claims of covid troughers, the danger of infection is greatly reduced. More importantly, the known timeline of covid infections and testing just doesn’t support the smear.

If someone at Monday’s protest got infected, the soonest they’d feel symptoms would be Wednesday. The soonest they’d get tested would be Wednesday afternoon. The first most likely day they’d get their results would be Thursday. The first day they’d then be added to state totals would be Friday.

So Thursday’s figures could not possibly include infections from this weeks’ protests.

It’s true, of course, that there was also a protest two days before Monday’s barney at the CFMEU headquarters. Even so, for any putative infections from that protest to show up in published figures just five days later would require a concatenation of extremely unlikely events.

The protester got infected unusually fast,

The protester decided to get tested immediately, despite being at an illegal anti-vax, anti-lockdown protest.

The protester could get that test done immediately.

The test results came through without delay.


Given that Victoria’s testing regime is notorious for its long waiting time, I’d be astounded if the last two especially occurred.

Forgive me my cynicism, but I’d much sooner suspect that a public health lackey — a former WHO apparatchik, no less — is simply out to demonise protesters who threaten Victoria’s covid dictatorship.

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The Case Against Foreign Aid

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